How to get a harvest every month?


Well-Known Member
I am trying to construct a small grow. The question is I want to be able to harvest every month. So in order to do this what would be needed? Can give me some good plans to set a small set up together. I want to be able to harvest 18 to 20 plants every month. I want to keep electric to a minimum. I still have chose to flower with a one single 1000 watt bulb. Please help me build a set up where I can harvest every month. If not help build the set up explain how it can be done to harvest atleast every 6 weeks.
Thanks To all.


Well-Known Member
if you want to harvest that many plants per month you would almost need to have three rooms. considering that most plants take 60 days to flower you would want a veg room, and the two flowering rooms that are 30 days in the process away from one another.


Well-Known Member
so you harvest different batches at different times......
what about once you harvested the plant? do you put it in vegetative grow or can you put it in flowering all over again?and again and again and again

Black SS

Active Member
Sorry i can't help, im new to this... looking for info for my first grow setup... i one thing i can suggest is growing with hydroponics, your plants will grow faster than in soil.


Well-Known Member
Im doing it, but I really don't think your gonna be able to get away with 1000W for 20 plants.
It's pretty easy. There is basically 5 stages of growth going on at the same time, all the time. seeds, 1 month old veg, 2 month old veg, one month in flower, and 2 months in flower. So at the start of the month I start 10 seeds, and put them in the veg room which already has 10 one month old plants, and 10 2 month old plants almost ready top put into flower, and in the flower room, I have 10 plants 1 month into flowering and 10 plants 2 months into flowering almost ready to harvest. I use a 4'x8' flowering room with 3 600W, and a 4'x5' veg room with 1 600W.

So you have 2 rooms, 1 veg and 1 flower, and you split (imaginary) each of them into 2 each. one part of veg room for 10 plants, other side for 10 plants, and one side of flower room for 10 plants and other side for 10 plants.


Active Member
Hey poundpusher2009 did u ever get ur harvest every month... U should of done Sea of green.. but im guessing someone told u already