How to get a woman to shave the bush?


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying it's dirty, and to be honest it really doesn't matter because if I'm already at that point with a woman we're probably fucking regardless. The title of the thread was How to get a woman to shave the bush? so I thought we were just brainstorming here and then people want to questiong the sanctity of a shaved pussy. lol

And the pubes on the toilet only happened once or twice and I think it was the same mexican both times, but that shit's gross. And it could have been prevented if someone had shaved or trimmed their pubes... :D

Don't you love bowls of GDP in the morning?

sir rance alot

Active Member
Woo Hoo......I made the top 100 on the petition..... Now I can smoke a bowl and wait for Congress.....

Take Your Time.....Im good

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Naw, I never said YOU said it was dirty, just that there's always some guy saying so in one of these threads usually.
I'm not questioning the 'sanctity' of shaved pussy....I'm just saying...if she really doesn't want to do it,why should she be made to feel badly about it?His cock goes inside the vagina,which, when properly lubricated,is as smooth as silk.And there is never any hair growing on the actual inside,nor on the clitoris,which is generally a very popular area to explore during cunnilingus....part the lips, and the hair follows....TA DAH! So unless one takes the whole 'carpet munching' thing literally,there shouldn't be an inordinate amount of hair in one's mouth. If you think about it, a pube in the mouth is nothing....because you're licking the clitoris and surrounding some point, your tongue will probably encounter her urethra...where PISS comes out.If that doesn't bother you, why should a stray hair?:bigjoint:
I'm not saying it's dirty, and to be honest it really doesn't matter because if I'm already at that point with a woman we're probably fucking regardless. The title of the thread was How to get a woman to shave the bush? so I thought we were just brainstorming here and then people want to questiong the sanctity of a shaved pussy. lol

And the pubes on the toilet only happened once or twice and I think it was the same mexican both times, but that shit's gross. And it could have been prevented if someone had shaved or trimmed their pubes... :D

Don't you love bowls of GDP in the morning?

sir rance alot

Active Member
As far as getting her to shave....

Just tell her, "look, I can just as easy take you back to the corner i picked you up at."
Or you could say...." Your money is on the dresser, Im done with ya."
Maybe even something like..." Damn, that thing is as hairy as my dad's."


Well-Known Member
Naw, I never said YOU said it was dirty, just that there's always some guy saying so in one of these threads usually.
I'm not questioning the 'sanctity' of shaved pussy....I'm just saying...if she really doesn't want to do it,why should she be made to feel badly about it?His cock goes inside the vagina,which, when properly lubricated,is as smooth as silk.And there is never any hair growing on the actual inside,nor on the clitoris,which is generally a very popular area to explore during cunnilingus....part the lips, and the hair follows....TA DAH! So unless one takes the whole 'carpet munching' thing literally,there shouldn't be an inordinate amount of hair in one's mouth. If you think about it, a pube in the mouth is nothing....because you're licking the clitoris and surrounding some point, your tongue will probably encounter her urethra...where PISS comes out.If that doesn't bother you, why should a stray hair?:bigjoint:
haha stoney you're trying to gross me out this morning huh? It won't work, though. I'm not so sick anymore and I've got my normal strong stomach back. Na... that's what I was trying to say earlier about the whole stubble on your toungue feeling. I'm not a carpet mucher myself, but I can't speak for everyone. trying to scare me with words like urethra and PISS lol I don't have a problem with the body parts or fluids because what am I asking a woman to do when I say suck my dick? I just don't particularly like the feeling of hair in my mouth.

How about that?:bigjoint::peace:

Did it even make sense?


Active Member
I want to go on record that if the lady wants to trim, shave, or carve landing strips in it I am not going to argue.

Those of you that keep bringing up young girls need to consider maybe you are thinking of young girls a little to much. I have never been down there and suddenly been like...

"OH GOD NO!!!!! It looks 8!!"

Just saying.

No matter what your "thing" is its your thing. Enjoy.


Well-Known Member
it dont have to be completely bald but at the same time it dont have to be fucking hairy like the thickest jungle around where you need a machete just to find the damn clit.....


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine got his girl to shave by dedicating the song "Welcome to the jungle" to her.


Well-Known Member
What the fuck... lemme ask you ms. stoney..... do u shave ur legs??/ do u shave ur pits??? if u had hair on ur face would u shave it??? If u do shave all of these areas.. why??? Women shave so that they are more attractive... if a dude wants some attractive hair free pussy theres nothing wrong with that.... and it doesnt mean that u are better at eating pussy if u like hair on it... lmao.. that jus means u dont have many standards for pussy.

and LMAO at the give her crabs idea. classic... should have thought of that myself. ahahahaha

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
she (my girlfriend) shaved, i dine at thr "Y" more, simple math. hold out on her, you may miss a BJ or two but be strong remember victory is only seen through sacrifice.