how to get around a random safety searches by fire dept???


Well-Known Member
well just for fuel cost I would not send a the big red fire truck to do a inspection if I was a fire marshal. I would send my inspectors out in 1 of the FD cars/trucks.
and have them park and walk when there going house to house.

Im from the deep southern US. and 20 years ago or so a friend of mine had a car that looked just like a cop car so he got the bright idea because we lived in a "dry" county (where you cant buy alchol) and you can't have more then 2 cases of beer at a time (its consitered bootleging)
he got a blue light and sat up from the store thats at the county line and would stop people thats just stocked up for partys. tell them they could not have that much beer and would conficate it...he did it for 6 months or so untill he tryed it on a real cop off duty and got a year in jail for inpersonation of a police officer...
nice scam!!! but ya as high as fuel is... they do it in the fire trucks


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I think if its like in the US they do it to hand out smoke detectors but yeah they like to come in check your old ones and show you where new ones go. its a sftey program but usually your not required to participate here you can say no thank you and they go away


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Thats how it works in the US when they used to do it by me sometimes they will then just say well would you like 2 new smoke detctors to just be safe they are free and you say sure never hurts to have extras up ...or just look him right in the yes and say"I am a son of satan and I love the feel of fire lapping at my flesh and only if the evil one sees me fit will I be so luckjy to burn alive and leave this body to rule the underworld from which I will come for your soul"....he ll leave ya alone


I say you just open the door with nothing on but a wife beater. If they ask for you to put clothes on, tell them that you're drunk or in the middle of a much needed nap/sleep and you don't feel like it.

If they still go in, hit your face as hard as you can a few times and yell rape!