how to get happy's all about having an attitude of gratitude.'s hard to feel shitty if you're feeling grateful at the same time.

...instead if you focus on the fact that you feel bad it will only make you feel worse. Think about all that you have to be grateful for. You're not lying in bed hooked up to life support, you're not picking through the trash looking for something to eat, so there's always something that you can focus upon for which you can truly feel grateful.

- eyes88
hey whats up everyone
so for some reason i feel horrible
i have felt like a piece of shit all day
just now i called my dad and i started crying soon as i hung up
can someone help me feel better
how do you cheer up?
anything just to make me feel a little better
get stoned and make a random mision.
yeah im suprised no one noticed yet
i hate that bitch and i made my avatar just to share it with everyone
how can u h8 a fiiiiiiiine bitch like dat? slutty and rich, fuk her, an while shes asleep grab the 2-3milly she keeps in her purse and b fukken dipset. make sure her mini dog dont bite u wen u reach into da purs.
she look like a crack headed white bitch
i dont mess with chicks like that
i like a little meat on my girls

and i dont like dipset... blaaaaat killa all day every day
i like lil wayne but still... i dont a rep a flag but i prefer my 6 star homies even though some of by good boys is blood
lmao! weezy aint a real blood. half his earlier vids he got blu flags! plus in halfthe vids where he got red its hangin out his left. any bloodwud get fukked up in my hood, but i aint in a gang neither. my bois a fukken cryp general tho.'s all about having an attitude of gratitude.'s hard to feel shitty if you're feeling grateful at the same time.

...instead if you focus on the fact that you feel bad it will only make you feel worse. Think about all that you have to be grateful for. You're not lying in bed hooked up to life support, you're not picking through the trash looking for something to eat, so there's always something that you can focus upon for which you can truly feel grateful.

- eyes88
wow. hope ur not a pro at this. oru have a reeeeally shytty life.
well i am a guy but it is my belief that i think everyone should have one of those good sobs
just like dane cook said lol
it actually made me feel better

yeah i do feel alot better than earlier mainly because most the people posting in this thread
i think we should keep this thread going so whenever another fellow WIU-er is down and out we can help lol

I cry when i beat she shit out of people ;) i'm like " why did u make me... :P"