how to get more out of your dmt


Well-Known Member
I take a glass pipe, roll fine copper wire in a tight compressed ball then stick it in the glass pipe.

Then I ash in the pipe with my cigarette. I then take about 60mg of elemental dmt (pure white crystals) and toss it onto the ash.

I slightly heat the crystals and they melt into the copper/ash combo. Then I ash on top of that mixture and spread it nice.

I slowly bring the lighter closer to the pipe while taking a very long very slow drag, if its too hot I pull faster if its to cold i pull slower. Without burning the spice.

I try to keep it 30 sec before exhaling every time.

I get about 4 decent sized drag's from that.

Now, when I started smoking DMT I took a single big drag of that pipe and it rocked my world. LITERALLY!

Nowadays I need 5 big pipes to get the same effect.

2 Questions :

1. Does your body get used to the dmt? (tolerance up?)(I smoke 4 times a week roughly)

2. Is it in my method? People breakthrough on 25 mg and I get about 20 breakthroughs on a gram. That gives you 50mg per breakthrough.

Everyone says its better to smoke in the dark with no sounds but I enjoy smoking a lot of dmt and then operating. Especially carrying out the sound rig and listening to very loud psytrance. (the listerning not the carrying.)

Kindly discuss
Yeah you can build tolerance mentally and physically. 4 times a week can do that. Plus that method is crap... more suited for smoking crack. Try taking the usual 60mg in a dab if you have a rig.
Some of it is obviously tolerance as my use of drugs is quite infrequent these days but I do think some if it just being better at letting go and letting the experience take charge.
I fully embrace the experience.
Yes on other psychedelics Its also like that lately a little goes a long way or rather longer than before. No I don't have a rig, anything else diy that works better? I have a vape but its too hot it burns the spice then everything just tastes shit and the effects are poor.
If you can drill glass build a machine!
Glass drill bits at Lowes..just saying..we used old chiante bottles for bongs...hadda drill em but they were awesome...
I fully embrace the experience.
Yes on other psychedelics Its also like that lately a little goes a long way or rather longer than before. No I don't have a rig, anything else diy that works better? I have a vape but its too hot it burns the spice then everything just tastes shit and the effects are poor.
So I'll comment then..
Get a quarter gram of deems,throw onto of a nug,get your blowtorch for dabs,and hit it like you just got outta prison...
I've found in life that if you're taking psychedelic drugs,if in the back of your mind there is a voice saying "this is a bad idea" then that's probably the perfect dose..
What I described above is the best method I've used,and accomplished breaking thru,and I'm still unsure if I did..
And,yes,the deems are pure:-)
I can not comprehend managing to have the wherewithal to get more than a second hit. After thati am not in the same dimension as the pipe and lighter.
I get someone to light for me, after the 3rd pipe I can't really light it proper. Post a picture of something diy that works well?

I want to build one tonight
Gotta do the volcano.

After awhile I figured out you get out of DMT what you bring to it.

Least that was what it told me. When i didn't have anything for it, it had nothing for me.
Only time I ever got off with a crack style dmt pipe was after eating harmaline. Shit lasted twice as long. Volcano however was pretty much break through every time like it or not.

First time I made the mistake of doing it while listening to Alex Jones rant about machine elves plotting to kill humanity. Ruined the trip.

snort careful bub

Smoke it while peaking on your favorite psych

Put more in your pipe take bigger hits and hold it in as long as possible

If none of that works pull a strassman and take a shot of deemz to the dome never tried but I hear it works