My Mom was born in the 40s. She was actually born during the first year of the baby boom, 1946. She grew up in an atmosphere that 'drugs are drugs. Period.' People in her age group see drugs in exactly two ways... either the hippies who tuned in, turned on, and dropped out, or the group who sees no difference between heroin and marijuana, pretty much. They are all illegal drugs. the government and the morality police made sure that marijuana and anything else are mutually as wretched. They also firmly believe that pot is some great gatweay drug, and everyone who smokes pot will soon be some toothless, home robbing junkie who sells their babies for a hit fo whatever, because that is what they were told. I think this is the hardest age group to break through to, and coincidentally, are the age group that has the power in this country at this time... the "Baby Boomers."
My mother knows of my grow, totally supports it, and even helps research facts and tips! She has a host of medical issues as well, and being on umpteen Big Pharma cures for many years, with devastating side effects and addiction problems of their own, her mind has completely changed. My Mommy, a Midwestern, church going, stay at home momma who raised 3 kids, has never smoked anything in her life. Nor would she ever consider vaporizing, as she 'doesn't wanna breathe in that hot steam.' But edibles and oils are managing her chronic, debiliting rheumatoid arthritis pain, her fibromyalgia, as well as her depression symptoms. She doesn't drink alcohol either, so she has 'no use' for feeling high or 'out of control,' and that was also her main complaint about pharma measures--- the 'drugged out feeling.' She manages her pain very well, without being 'stoned' and unable to function. In fact, she does more now, because she feels better, than she ever has.
The breakthrough for her, I think, was when she realized that marijuana can grow outdoors naturally, from nothing more than a simple, untreated seed, the sun, and the rain, and it is the only 'drug' that doesn't have to be changed, or added to in any way... all it does is grow, dry, and get used. There are no complex chemical additives or compounds, no scientists creating complicated formulas, no FDA approval, no sneaky scientific testing for side effects, no trials to see how safe it is... it's just the buds of a plant. You can't say that about any other 'drug' whether it be illiegal OR pharmaceutical.
Well, that, and the fact that her kid has been high so many times and she never even had a clue...