how to get purple


Well-Known Member
I'm right with you as usual king. I want to be able to have a wide variety, of dank ass buds! My goal is to find out what they have to offer, and hopefully learn to breed before long!


Junior Creatologist
Even if it dont turn out purple, itll still look n smoke danky as fuck. If you come across some wannabe pot-snobs who think that they know more than you, just keep the breeder pack handy to slap them in the fuckin face with ;)


Active Member
lol i would if i was the one that ordered the seeds, my friends friend got them and gave me a clone of his strongest one


Well-Known Member
Hahaha, yeah, at one point I was mothering like 22 different strains, I picked my favorites for variety, and only have 3. A lot of strains are similar, and if you want to have bud that NOBODY else has, you'll have to breed your own.

I happened to get a cross of my two favorite strains, MangoxSilver Pearl, I've just sprouted it, so I have no idea how it will turn out, but the genetics are completely different with the Skunk similarity. The Mango is tall fruity and stretchy, and the Pearl was a short resinous skunky plant.

I also have Super Skunk as a staple in my garden.

Fuck bag appeal, :finger:the best weed is judged by taste, and quality.


Well-Known Member
Around my city, all people seem to talk about is the "purple" that is rolling around on the streets. I happened to find someone who was selling it, and it was actually sub par weed at a premium price. Growing purple really seems like its just for show. If you want performance, don't even bother.


Well-Known Member
The sounds sweet mrhoward, I plan on breeding in a few years, I want a few more grows under my belt, but its one of my goals! Thats sweet you just planted "your" first strain. Hope it turns out well. Maybe you have some input on it for me, is there anything much you can do to encourage a killer cross, other then trying to use the best parents possible? I've heard that its kinda random, but I didn't know if there was any way to influence it.


Junior Creatologist
Around my city, all people seem to talk about is the "purple" that is rolling around on the streets. I happened to find someone who was selling it, and it was actually sub par weed at a premium price. Growing purple really seems like its just for show. If you want performance, don't even bother.

It all depends on the grower man. I gotta say that I love purps from what ive smoked. Ive smoked BB before, Phaze, n a couple other nameless strains with purp phenotypes. I dont know what your talkin about, but it was DANK in my book bro. Like i said, gotta be the shmuck growin the shit around your way man. If its some REAL purps come over from across the pond, then it should be some fuckin diggity.

Although, i will say this. Ive read in a couple forums now, that a certain strain of Blackberry is being grown right now in the Us that is complete shit. Has mad bag appeal, but smokes like some good schwag weed. Its not just a fluke neither, Blackberry is specifically mentioned in every thread thats like this, and everytime they say the same thing. a waste of time to grow.


Well-Known Member
Don't know about the blackberry, thought it was my phone :bigjoint:

Anyway, if you parent plants have good characteristics for breeding, and there would be a good medium were they might cross well, like some similarities, and sometimes, completely different strains.

Either way, you'll want to backcross the offspring with whatever of the strains it didn't pick up the phenotypes of. There's a lot of confusing info about breeding and geneology charts, but my understanding is the dominant charastics will always prevail, meaining if a haze flavor is the recessive trait in a cross the flavor will be lost in the offspring.

I chose my parents because they both have Skunk parents, and I have seeded some Super Skunk, hoping to get a male for another backcross, and a new strain.

I'm new to breeding myself, but have been growing a while, and wanted to give it a shot.


Well-Known Member
Well you already answered one of my ?? about the back-crossing, I wasn't very clear on that. Would you back cross it with the opposite phenotype to increase those traits, or can you cross it with the same phenotype, to increase those characteristics? Am I getting this right?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's my understanding. But some traits can't be passed along because they are recessive to other traits.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, true, but I was talking about recessive vs dominant, that's why breeding confuses me, what defines the recessiveness or the dominance, and if two recessive traits are donated, what is the offspring gonna recieve.

I just base mine off dumb luck, and a backcross :dunce:

I really don't understand it that well, evertime I start looking into breeding charts, I feel like I'm doing work, and soon quit :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
haha, i see. well i can try to explain it if you want (second year bio major), but its kinda boring and probably nothing you haven't heard before. i give you mad props for breeding though, i've always wanted to.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've read through the breeding charts several times, but everytime I'm left thinking, what's recessive and what's dominant. I understand geneology charts and all, just not what defines a trait in plants.

Like brown hair and eyes are dominant over blonde hair and blue eyes in humans.

As far as cannabis, I don't know what defines dominance.

If you wanna look at the lineage of my cross I have no idea what's gonna come out;

(Silver Pearl x Mango)

Silver Pearl=
(Early PearlxSkunk) x Northern Lights #5
Short, skunky indica hybrid, 45 days

Mango= Jack Herer x Skunk
Tall, stretchy, fruity, 65 days

And I plan to backcross to a different strain, Super Skunk= skunk x afghani

I hope to achieve a variety of skunk strains, the dankest strain in my opinion.


Active Member
Whats the big deal with purple marijuana? Its like a trend. People want it because gay ass rappers sing about how "they got grapes" its some bullshit. Im not saying purple isnt good but i dont see why people have to have it.
I definetly agree, I have a couple purple strains, (the real way to get purple) but the demand is insane, i only got it because i was part of buying beans and my buddy gave them to me. Im alomst done with flowering , soo well see what all the hype is about, or if some rapper just talked it up. Stay GREEN


Well-Known Member
Thanks freddy, and mr. howard, you have both cleared up some of this forme, it sounds like it will take mucho amounts of research to get good. I'm hoping to take some botany, and bio classes soon, to try to learn more about it all. I figured it can only help me be a better grower. My 5 year goal is to get a strain in THE CUP, or atleast an honorable mention in


Well-Known Member
That FDD food coloring thread is great I'm most of the way through it, foodcoloring doesn't seem to make it taste good, but it sure adds a ton of color, way cool!