How to get rid of flys I have hundreds

I was lighting a citronella candle one night. And a moth flew right through the flame just as I was getting it to the candle. Singed its wings pretty much right off.
Last night's John Oliver was awesome, the topic of what he calls the Whitehouse Fuck closet, came up.
My friend stays out on a farm, he has one of those tennis rackets that zaps the flies. I think he leaves it out on purpose when I come over, it is so much fun batting all the flies out of the sky.
My friend stays out on a farm, he has one of those tennis rackets that zaps the flies. I think he leaves it out on purpose when I come over, it is so much fun batting all the flies out of the sky.
We get drunk and hit each other with them. Try and get someone to pee on it :mrgreen:
Wash ass ... Flys go away

Getting pissed young ones to touch the racket with their tongues is even more fun.

Quite a few millennials in our circle.