How to grow the biggest largest buds soda bottle size I now know the secret do you?

Thank you.

Thank you as well.

I did answer. You failed to read it.

Its not a dick measuring contest.

Its pretty simple. You made the claim. You have to back it up. Plain and simple. Real evidence it works. A controlled grow with several sets of clones.

Other than that I am done. Nothing left to say to you. I am a veteran. A proud one.

Good day sir.
I didn't make a claim someone else did. I just wondered if anybody has tried it plain and simple. It doesn't take a rocket scientist say Yes or No and elaborate if a yes. Make a big deal about someone try to learn that's all man. I said I have not tried it yet, but about to on some to see if correct get back with me, ok? OG
I need some?
That would be stolen valor.

Not only was I in the military I am service connected disabled because of it.

Never claimed my buds were bigger. They are fire though. I'm a small grower as it is illegal here. Yea that's right. A disabled vet having to break the law to get the medicine that works for me.

Not only that, I give extra to people in need.

I have no idea what you are talking about fucking it up with my own people.

I will however say one thing.

Fuck you.
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Wow he loves me and wrote me a kind letter for everyone to see. Listen make claims against me I will throw it right back. Truth be told and you told me. I apologize to all you good people for over reacting to the insensitivity dished out. fuck OG he need's to get laid. OH, Shiela are you ready for some fun, ok got a go. OG
That was what I needed feel much better now, see ya tomorrow, party time. Sniff Sniff puff puff and pussy Not into all the gay comments at all thats being real low life personality if your mind is in the gutter thinking about men not women to each his own, enjoy. OG stay up late reply some more.
That was what I needed feel much better now, see ya tomorrow, party time. Sniff Sniff puff puff and pussy Not into all the gay comments at all thats being real low life personality if your mind is in the gutter thinking about men not women to each his own, enjoy. OG stay up late reply some more.
Less than 20 minutes huh, poor Shiela lol
fuck the nukes this shit works I will have proof 150days and countdown to harvest OG

Instead of focusing on increasing the yield, how about you focus on improving yourself? For example taking an adult education class to assist you with your sentence structure. It seems like you have a lot of good information to the world but it will all be lost in translation if you don't know how to pen it correctly. Good luck!
watch these you tube videos show me your big buds I will show you mine. Here is proof this guy is for real I would listen unless you got a video of yourself I can watch. These are the professionals and I am still learning after 48 years of growing pot. Rollitup and show me please sunshine wheres your pictures?

did you do it several times or once sounds like once thats why pay attention you will learn something this year I am for sure. OG

This first video you posted, the dude is a total quack. Have you even taken the time to listen to his video? He contradicts himself numerous times and read up the comment section of his videos. Nothing but everyone bashing him for his useless information.

In regards to VICE, what grower you know uses VICE as his example for growing tips? Might as well go to home depot and ask the friendly gardening experts they have about as much info as anything VICE will regurgitate for you to consume.
Wow he loves me and wrote me a kind letter for everyone to see. Listen make claims against me I will throw it right back. Truth be told and you told me. I apologize to all you good people for over reacting to the insensitivity dished out. fuck OG he need's to get laid. OH, Shiela are you ready for some fun, ok got a go. OG
Why do you keep referring to yourself in the third person?
Why do you keep referring to yourself in the third person?
its a sign of a few psychological disorders, dissociative personality disorder (what they used to call multiple personalities)..but the big one is Narcissism....and that seems to fit the bill a lot more than multiple have to have a personality before you can have multiple ones.......look up Illeism