How to grow weed in your room woth out anyone knowing

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growin in ya pples crib is pretty risky u wouldnt go down ya pples would.
I did it but my moms is cool.
If u kno ya pples dont even condone smokin weed dont grow in dey crib.
Kids need to get a connect and cut dis growin shit kids aint as smart today mostly all kids get caught cause dey gotta tell dey bra dat they gettin homegrown.
Dats y all these kids get tore off n gonna end up wit dey parents in da middle

But i cant tell u wat to cause u gonna do it neway so, do u n dont get tore off.
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Man I struggled to read that above post. Doesn't anybody speak English anymore?

I really think u tryin to act funny but ill retype

Growing in your peoples crib is pretty risky you wouldn't go down your parents would.
I did it but my moms is cool.
If you know your peoples don't even condone smoking weed don't grow in their crib esp if you have to sneak.

Kids need to get a connect and cut this growing shit kids aint as smart today.
mostly all kids get caught because they gotta tell their bra that they getting homegrown.
thats y all these kids get "busted" and are gonna end up with their parents in the middle.

But i cant tell you wat to because you going to do it anyway so, do you and dont get locked up.

BTW if you cant read y even respond just keep it moving.
'How to grow weed in your room without anyone knowing '

think, i'm a lucky guy, my parents already know i'm growin' it :D.
Though my mother sometimes tells me that it's not a good thing to do, but i always say that i've already decided and i'm still going to do it:)

Hahahaha, she found my growing box because of the smell(it was so smelly that when u entered my room you could immidiately smell it... ) and also she saw timer and a bunch of wireing going to the box.

It all started when i was 16... Now i haven't growed anything indoors for half a year or even two but i'm planning to start again, but this time my box will be bigger,lighthing grater and smoke sweeter :P
Solution: Move your broke ass out of your parents crib. Get a job. Buy your own place and then grow in it. Otherwise don't even try it unless your parent's are cool with it.
Ok to all of you bitching at this kid for growing at his parents house please shut the fuck up.

If he wants to grow at his parents house he fucken can. Everyone starts somewhere, and as long as he doesnt devote his entire closest/bedroom to growing a shitload of chronic, I think he is just fine. Growing one or two small plants in your room is no crime, well technically it is, but its really just such a small amount it doesn't matter, as long as you dont go bragging to your friends/showing them it, and as long as you dont get caught.

Now growing a lot of weed in your cloest or something is disrespectful to your parents, putting them at risk as well as you.
hey props to growing in your parents house, I am too, my 3 female plants only have a week left. People may tell me i'm going to get caught, but i make every possible precaution to avoid getting caught. I'm growing in my basement so i don't have the luxury of checking them in my room. I only check them when i water them every 3 days and i make sure everyone in the house is asleep when i water. I am only there for about 30 seconds or so. Any way good luck but don't get carried away, this grow may be successful, but don't go too over the top next time.
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