how to hack a predator


Well-Known Member
He tried to run a program to corrupt his system but it wouldn't so he uploaded that background image about being a pervert and then deleted a number of system files and forced the system to reboot. Potentially hosing the guys computer...


Well-Known Member
I think this is that kid from Canada... if I remember correctly there was an article recently about him. Apparently he has no friends or social life and has dedicated the last few years to hanging out in those rooms trying to catch predators. In the article he was quoted as saying something along the lines of 'it's about time I stop spending all day doing this and start making friends and going outside'. His parents were like 'well he is doing good'


Well-Known Member
yeah dude if u learned how to hack u could get so much shit and u could find out credit card numbers and buy shit for free and get so much shit it would be awesome u could also scare people and with them


Well-Known Member
yeah dude if u learned how to hack u could get so much shit and u could find out credit card numbers and buy shit for free and get so much shit it would be awesome u could also scare people and with them

oooorrr, you could use those powers for good. :confused:

jk :joint:

MB, there's a lot people doing this now. lots and lots.



Well-Known Member
or yeah u could use your powers for good, and some bad things if u r low on money. but i cant hack so oh well i cant do that


Well-Known Member
I'll tell you what...

That son of a bitch, waste of oxygen cock sucker deserved worse. I love seeing stuff like that. If I had the computer skills to do the same stuff I would get off on screwing with those guys.

I'm givin' you rep for the thread.


Well-Known Member
It is sad sad sad.
I try not to think of things like this sick person.
I know they are out there though.

I hope he goes to but poundin jail.

i love you mary jane

Active Member
i can hack but not shit thats really similar to this =P like hacking ps2 games(editing,making crazy code shit like invincible and yadda yadda)and a little stuff on pc but i dont have a video of anything,unless u'd like me to send u the stuff and see for urself what i can do lol,anyways this is advanced stuff.....or he just got a program off some1 and was told what to do...the world may never know =P


Well-Known Member
...unless u'd like me to send u the stuff and see for urself what i can do lol,anyways this is advanced stuff.....or he just got a program off some1 and was told what to do...the world may never know =P
I would love to see what you can do. I have a cousin that showed me once what he was capable of and I was amazed. Post some stuff so we can see!


Well-Known Member
i can hack but not shit thats really similar to this =P like hacking ps2 games(editing,making crazy code shit like invincible and yadda yadda)and a little stuff on pc but i dont have a video of anything,unless u'd like me to send u the stuff and see for urself what i can do lol,anyways this is advanced stuff.....or he just got a program off some1 and was told what to do...the world may never know =P
shortly after my high-school days (and tired of manual labor jobs!) i went to interview at a local computer shop. i felt pretty good about the interview and was introduced to all the staff, got a feel for who was who.

when i got home i quickly modified their homepage to say "_____ has just hired _____ as their new bench tech!" i then called their network security guy and told him how nice it was to see their announcement on the home page. he loaded the page and cracked up, told me i was crazy!

well, that became my first entry level tech job. :)


i love you mary jane

Active Member
well on pc i cant do all that much but something i did to mess with my friends...let me just get to the point,the command prompt,paint,and notepad all opened up repeatedly over and over and over,which initally crashes ur system....then i have something that installs to ur start-up and shutsdown everytime u boot up...then i have 1 that kills ur whole computer(all u have to do is open the file i send to u and yea..this happens)then 1 that just shuts ur computer down...but u can boot it back up,now ps2 game the link and this is some hacking i do YouTube - Idot's codemajic vid thats an OK 1..i couldnt find anything real good but yea,goto 4:25 and it should be better YouTube - IDOT Socom thats a better 1


Well-Known Member
the vert clipping cheat is cool, never seen that one. that guy is the frag master for sure.



Well-Known Member
I'll take the last two. I know some people that need to get fucked up. :twisted:

well on pc i cant do all that much but something i did to mess with my friends...let me just get to the point,the command prompt,paint,and notepad all opened up repeatedly over and over and over,which initally crashes ur system....then i have something that installs to ur start-up and shutsdown everytime u boot up...then i have 1 that kills ur whole computer(all u have to do is open the file i send to u and yea..this happens)then 1 that just shuts ur computer down...but u can boot it back up,now ps2 game the link and this is some hacking i do YouTube - Idot's codemajic vid thats an OK 1..i couldnt find anything real good but yea,goto 4:25 and it should be better YouTube - IDOT Socom thats a better 1


Well-Known Member
Man being a hacker isnt as glamorous as it sounds, yes ive done my fair share of gettin free stuff and havin fun but you gotta learn a lot to do that, and when u do u kinda feel like u should respect the power u have, good stuff all the way. Also hacking is waaay more boring than it looks in films, takes hours and its usually pretty frustrating. But ye good on that canadian kid for owning a pedo, extra brownie points there.