Exactly, it seems to me when grown organically you can't really mess up the taste, as long as you're growing from good seeds that is.1. harvesting too early
2. using chemical nutes
3. not dryed properly
4. a combination of the above will make you ask yourself if you're smoking grass clipping
From all my experiences when grown organically, harvested prematurely and properly dried, weed will still taste better than the 4 listed above.
I'm a vegan vegan and a growing vegan, at least I will be once my GuanoKalong runs out. I see in you're signature veg head? Are you a member of the dark side too?are you like a vegan vegan or a growing vegan
Lol, props for the nice post and I'm not trying to be a troll or anything. But, maybe you shouldn't title your post about how to not have "grassy" weed, and then say you've never had it so don't really know anything about it...As for grassy weed I've never had it so I can only assume it comes from either not trimming before drying, growing poor genetics, or not growing organically! Hope this helps.
Haha you're Vegan, say Protein one more time.I'm a vegan vegan and a growing vegan, at least I will be once my GuanoKalong runs out. I see in you're signature veg head? Are you a member of the dark side too?
yeah I have some funny pics I put up in the groupHaha you're Vegan, say Protein one more time.
"One should not kill a living being, nor cause it to be killed, nor should one incite another to kill. Do not injure any being, either strong or weak, in the world." ~ Buddha
curing is all hype. dry your weed and bag it. taste and potency is all in the genetics. grow books sell curing methods to sell more grow equiment and books. I can prove this to anyone, but since you have all bought into the curing myths hook line and sinker only the wisest of you will do this experiment.. cure all of your harvest with your super duper curing methods you use and love, then take one little ole nug and dry it in the sun, not too dry but just right. then do a blind taste test. you will notice no difference at all and only the wisest and most daring of you RIU ers will try this. and whenyou do youo will kick yourself in the balls for curing weed like it was nuclear.
this is not a proper drying method, what is the point in growing for 3+ months just to throw your hard work in the cupboard,boiler or the oven and ruin it are you that impatient you cant wait a week for it too dry properlyNo one told me to put a fan on my buds I read someone recommending it on here, and yes I've had buds dry over night, I've had them dry in ten minutes. I've put them in my airing cupboard, ontop of the boiler, and in the oven. My point was they all tasted good with no hay/grass taste.
this is not a proper drying method, what is the point in growing for 3+ months just to throw your hard work in the cupboard,boiler or the oven and ruin it are you that impatient you cant wait a week for it too dry properly
Drying is curing. You can do it slow or fast. Its how you grew the weed and your genetics. I have harvested a great deal of weed and posted many pics. Qwizoking, however, does not grow or at least claims to grow 22 week flowering Sativa in Texas and never shows pictures. ALL I asked was to try one tiny nug and do a blind taste test. I can prove it. I am not just talking. I wish I could show you but you will just have to try on your own. Get a friend involved that can help you keep the taste test blind.. What would one nug hurt in your overall harvest? LOL, you poor people are so sold on 'curing' its kinda sad.Look bro I'm not trying to insult but its pretty apparent you don't know what your talking about and I highly doubt you've ever taken a plant to harvest.. if hay tasting bid were some sort of myth there wouldn't be so many threads on curing. There are actual documented chemical processes happening when curing that make the terpenes psychoactive and flavorful....
I'm not saying it's a myth. I've just never had it in my house and yes there is actual science behind the dry and cure, it's just got nothing to do with grassy weed. The only reason I'm not swearing at you right now bro is outta respect to Sunni because as a vegan I know s/he is an awesome person full of compassion and empathy, unlike you. That coupled with the fact that I'm so ridiculously stoned right now from yes my own grown I cant help but laugh at youLook bro I'm not trying to insult but its pretty apparent you don't know what your talking about and I highly doubt you've ever taken a plant to harvest.. if hay tasting bid were some sort of myth there wouldn't be so many threads on curing. There are actual documented chemical processes happening when curing that make the terpenes psychoactive and flavorful....