How to hide my pot smoking from my parents?


Well-Known Member
Ona doesn't do shit for my ganja. Block or Gel doesn't really matter. Instead of Ona, just buy some candles or those oil plug in things. It would be cheaper and do the same thing. Ona is just an over-priced air freshener.
Used your suggestion last grow
- didn't work -
Either way, try a few different things and see what works for you.


Well-Known Member
Ona doesn't do shit for my ganja. Block or Gel doesn't really matter. Instead of Ona, just buy some candles or those oil plug in things. It would be cheaper and do the same thing. Ona is just an over-priced air freshener.
do you take the lid off? Lol. Ona actually pulls odor / molecules from the air into the gel. You ever notice how dirty ona is after a couple weeks even with the lid barely cracked open. It doesn't work like other air fresheners.

you can also rock a hepa filter. And a bunch of aloe plants (naturally filters air)


Well-Known Member
Used your suggestion last grow
- didn't work -
Either way, try a few different things and see what works for you.
I never said it would work. I said it was the same thing. I use carbon filters and ozone generators like I told you before. I said it was a waste of time then (and now), but IF you wanted to spend money on something, this was a cheaper route that accomplishes the same thing.


Well-Known Member
do you take the lid off? Lol. Ona actually pulls odor / molecules from the air into the gel. You ever notice how dirty ona is after a couple weeks even with the lid barely cracked open. It doesn't work like other air fresheners.
I guess you could say that. It does work differently than a regular air freshener, but doesn't work either. Both are a waste of money and will not solve the problem. If you want to change the odor on a molecular level, get an ozone generator. Ona is a waste of money.


Well-Known Member

Give this a read at least before you risk exposing yourself to an invisible toxic gas.
Seriously dude? You ask for help in trying to avoid buying a carbon filter and fan, and now you think I am unaware of the equipment that I have been using for many years. I know exactly what I have and how to use it. Read up on cycle timers and environmental monitoring equipment. There are a ton a manufacturers out there, but I like Sentinel. I realize most people can't afford to buy them, but when this is what you do, you buy the best gear. Do you have any questions about how to use them correctly and effectively? Or, you just felt like posting a link to seem like you knew what you were talking about?


Well-Known Member
I'd say the best way to mask ganj cheaply, effectively is with other plants that flower. Basil, oregano,,lavender are very pungent when flowering. Then Aloe Vera, money tree's, spider plants, fichus plants, a some others naturally clean the air pulling molecules. plus having all those plants will create a clean healthy environment to breathe

Chester da Horse

Well-Known Member
one more thought if u roll spliffs, chlorhexidine based instant drying hand sanitiser (the pink stuff in hospitals) kills the smell on your fingers and lips.


Well-Known Member
I'd say the best way to mask ganj cheaply, effectively is with other plants that flower. Basil, oregano,,lavender are very pungent when flowering. Then Aloe Vera, money tree's, spider plants, fichus plants, a some others naturally clean the air pulling molecules. plus having all those plants will create a clean healthy environment to breathe
I actually do grow basil in my clone/veg start cabinet. ...Not to hide smells but because I love fresh basil and it is getting more and more expensive. But open my clone closet with 8, 15" pot plants and 4, 10" basils and you smell the basil.


Well-Known Member
There's a whole lot of talk here about telling your parents how it is (in a respectable manner of course), but that may not cut it depending on your situation. They are paying your bills I would assume, so have some patience and respect their opinion. Imagine how you would feel if you were supporting someone who then went and spent monies on "drugs" instead of helping pay their way.

Now if you move out and are financially independent, then you are free to spend your money as you wish! I guess I just know how hard it is to bring enough money into a home to keep things moving along that I dont really see it as fair for this kind of thing to happen.

I don't mean to come off like an ass, and if I misunderstood your situation I apologize! I'm just playing devils advocate I guess, but I wouldn't appreciate being deceived if I was pumping money into someones future :P feel free to ignore me



Well-Known Member
Used your suggestion last grow
- didn't work -

Either way, try a few different things and see what works for you.
Oh and I never asked for help, Sierra did. My methods are working great for me.
I was clear about it not working any time I was asked. Most ozone genny's don't actually put the ozone in the grow area. They are usually an inline for the exhaust to eliminate the odor completely. I have a unique setup as I have almost 8000sq. ft to control. It doesn't matter what you are using, you need to learn HOW to use it first. AS I stated, if anybody has any questions about how to use them effectively, please just ask. Just so you know, it is FAR from invisible. TRue you can't see it, but if there is too much in the air, it is very easy to tell. You can smell it and it will make your throat scratchy. You need to realize what it would take to reach a toxic level in even a space as small as a basement. It would not be an easy task to say the least. Try doing a little more research next time as this is incomplete. This approach of one article without any actual experience makes you come off as pompous. I have been using ozone gennys for years and have never had any issue.


Well-Known Member
Assuming that you have already consulted with a medical professional about your mental health issues and have made an informed decision regarding your health care options, here is my two cents.

I grew up in a house with the "My house, my rules" policy. I hope its not like that with yours but if it is -- and if you are serious about living there -- then don't confront them with your med MJ use. Edibles might allow you to keep it under wraps for longer than if you smoke but eventually they'll know that you are using MJ. With any luck will be in a position to where can move out before they find out.

If they do find out that you are using MJ against their rules while living in their house, depending on what kind of people they are, they may or may not confront you about it. As long as you are discreet, they may just take a don't ask, don't tell policy and let it slide -- that's what most parents of somebody your age would do. If they do confront you with it, don't escalate the situation with threats, this may just back you into a corner and force a decision that nobody wants. You have a good reason and should be able to explain it to them but be sure to have somebody lined up on your side to give them some professional advice on your behalf. After that, its up to them to decide what they want and what kind of relationship they will have with their daughter.

If you don't want to go back to the pills, then that's where you need to draw the line. The empowerment from making your own decisions regarding your health care choices is possibly worth more to your health than anything else.

This sucks. I hope it goes well for you and your parents.


Well-Known Member
I'd stock up on gummies and sour apple hard candy and all the other wonderful medibles available...and I'd tell the parents I was doing it out of respect. Theres no smell at all. My guess is your mom will be dipping into your candy jar soon...bc she secretly wants to get high too and just doesn't want your dad to know.


Well-Known Member
Thats a terrible attitude to have towards your elders. >.> they brought you up and they care for you. You dont spit in their face in return.
Parents aren't exempt from being assholes just because they decided to have unprotected sex. Having a kid doesn't give you the right to be a closed minded fuck. I would never judge my child nor would I try to tell my child how to live their adult life, who the hell am I to do something like that? If you chose to live by filial guilt, that's on you.


Well-Known Member
Parents aren't exempt from being assholes just because they decided to have unprotected sex. Having a kid doesn't give you the right to be a closed minded fuck. I would never judge my child nor would I try to tell my child how to live their adult life, who the hell am I to do something like that? If you chose to live by filial guilt, that's on you.
I second that. Regardless of who you are, if you disrespect me I'm going to be disrespectful back. Just because you're a parent doesn't mean you can dictate that person's life. At the end of the day it's all about respect and morality. Getting along with others while doing the right thing for you and or your family and your future(s). Whether that be kids of your own or what have you.