How to hide my pot smoking from my parents?


Well-Known Member
Well Said This is the Right Answer, don't get mad talk it out, Great one.
True that its the right answer but not everybody is always reasonable and having a discussion that you know will not end in any reasonable compromise\solution isn't smart because by having the conversation all your doing is bringing attention to something in your life your parents don't like and I mean nobody is perfect they might make things really difficult for you for no reason really other than they don't like it and also then you have a loss of trust because your parents think that your some kinda junkie which in turn leads to more arguments and then more loss of trust on both sides because of the arguments. I had a friend way back who's parents constantly gave him shit for smoking even though he had voluntarily told them about it and it meant that almost every day he would argue with his parents because they were just pissed at him for smoking and he was pissed at them for constantly making him feel like a failure because of it and it just like totally spiralled out of control and fucked up their family life like no other.

My point is if you know the situation and you know for sure that its a touchy subject for them and that they are against it then just avoiding the whole situation seems a lot less stressful and is probably better for your relationship with your parents. Everyone probably wishes that they could have an open and relaxed conversation about it with their family but sometimes it just leads to disaster.

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Also just as a recommendation smoking outside the house isn't the best option IF your parents are likely to hear you coming in/leaving the house because they will start asking why you're always in and out, best place to be is if your parents place has a balcony (or if you like climbing around and stuff if theres any way to get access to the roof thats probably a solid bet) go there and make sure that any windows or anything around you are closed so you don't get smoke back in the house - I used to use these things that my friends and I called 'sploofs' which is basically just getting a long tube which was either some toilet roll stuck together with tape or a bottle with holes in the bottom, and filling it with like dryer sheets and then just blowing the smoke through that. It works best with a bowl or a bong cos a j will just keep smoking away into the room but yeah they can work really well and will definitely help with the smell. Ideally just smoke at a friends house or before you get back.
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Well-Known Member
No i'm not 14 i'm 21.
I'm a college girl. My parents pretty much begged me not to move out this year because they dont think im ready. I was going to move in with a friend but they changed my mind. I'm a sophomore at university! I do not like alcohol at all but weed is my queen. I got my medical license even though its legal in seattle now. It helps with my depression, add, anxiety and is way better for you than man made chemical prescriptions that they have tried to put me on (adderall, ritalin, prozac) . My parents can't see that.. Its a shame because i really feel weed has been blessing. Im not used to hiding things from my parents so can i have some tips like where to smoke? How to cover the smell? Should i invest in vapor?? Please help c:
First of all, fuck that! People now adays should be aware of this miricle plant. And those who think otherwise due to being a simpleton, shouldn't mean that other have to be subjected to it just because "they feel like respecting" said person... Your 21, if you want to smoke, tell you parents how it is... Just be prepared to have your own place lol. Regardless, certain people have certain opportunities, I seen a couple responses here that were belittling you and putting you down about leeching off you r parents. Although you probably should start thinking about getting your own place by now, that is no ones place to judge you.. No one knows your situation and what you've endured, so with that said disregard all these ass holes who belittle you..

Now.. My mother was so anti-weed for the longest time... It's unfortunate that you enduring something similar. When I was in this situation (of course this at the time was when I was under age and had to hide it from m y parents) Personally when I hit 18 I really didn't give a shit whether they knew, or approved, but I understand that's not how everyone will be. With that said, the only thing I could offer you, is the advice I use to do when I was in highschool.
1. Always have some kind of body spray on you.
When you smoke that shit sticks on your cloths.. Smoke then wait a few min, spray your body once in each armpit then once across the chest, chill for another few min, good to go.
2. always have gum or breath mints
when you smoke, same shit... you breath stank like a skunk!!! Eat away ;)
3. Always have clear eyes.
Personally I never get red eyes unless it just from lack of sleep, But I remember when I first started smoking, I'd ALWAYS have straight blood shot eyes. Def use clear eyes to get rid of that indication.
Other than that, pretty much all you can do.

Now as for having weed on you. Find a chill spot in your room, and literally put it in a few zip locks. Or honestly (now adays) they have awesome smell proof containers. I remember one actually looked like a 2 liter of soda, but you twisted the middle apart and it detached into a little pocket area that could easily fit around an ounce or more.

The most important thing ever!!! Is to get the legal prescriptions... Not sure what are your from, but even if you get caught up by the cops or your parents, if you have a doctors recommendation, wtf can anyone do??

Hope this helps, good luck!
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Why was my comment removed but not

Eat my entire ass c:
hiding it gives the impression that there is something wrong with it.

you're 21, grow a pair and become an adult instead of suckling off the parents teat.
Exactly. I'm 21. I'm a student. And broke af. Get a clue. Not everyone can live as haphazard as you. I know my needs and i know my parents needs. They need me to take care of them, i'm not going to abandon them because of differences in opinion. I dont want to add to their stress. But i know i need to take care of myself as well. I can tell im leagues more mature than you with how selfish your advice is. Please grow up. It's embarrassing.


Well-Known Member
...or you know try not to ruin your relationship with your parents because you realise that they fed and housed you for at least 18 years and you have at least enough respect left for them to try and avoid making them feel uncomfortable in their own home.
unless i missed it, she's not living at home to take care of her parents because they are on their death bed or handicapped. it's a matter of convenience, not necessity.

you are correct in one point, when i do visit my parents, i still abide by their rules and get by by taking some edibles with me. when they visit me, it's my house and rules.

she's 21 and a bit wet behind the ears but life is going to get a whole helluva lot harder than trying to hide weed from her parents.


Well-Known Member
thanks for your advice and maybe i came off a bit strong but my first piece of advice was "hiding it gives the impression that there is something wrong with it".

if all people who have enjoyed this wonderful plant would take my advice, it would have been legalized and accepted by society a long time ago. instead, there are still mis-informed people who use Reefer Madness as their guidepost. she posted the question: some advice is positive and some is not. that's life. live long and prosper. i'm out.


Well-Known Member
LOL! My comment was removed? bummer as I feel that was such a beneficial response to this situation... Although it seems you took a couple steps back, see I saw the professionalism in you, just wasn't being shown. You def. did come across strong and I honestly felt bad for her when shes just trying to get some friendly advice you know? All is good, peace not greed!!