How to hide your stash on your body

orgAnic Panic!

Active Member
is there any easy way to hide your stash, a little bag of weed, on your body. Other than swallowing and regurgitating or shoving it in your ass. Im getting some where there are random searches, and if i had to swollow it, i could, but what would the plastic due to my stomach and how else could you hide it...please answer


Well-Known Member
If it's a small amount, I would stick it between my butt cheeks. Sounds kinda gay but you gotta do what you gotta do.
dude if you getting seached with out getting your clothes takn off simply take painting tape it not that adhesive but gets the job done then tape it to you some where that they wouldnt pat down or check (in between legs)


Well-Known Member
you know how sweatshirts have like a tube of fabric running around the bottom? you can just cut a hole in there and shove your stuff in there.


Well-Known Member
under ur nuts, between ur butcheeks (not up ur anus) in between clothes especially jeans fabrics, those are the best i know for small amounts


Well-Known Member
wear some whitey tighties or some boxer briefs and put that shit under balls.............or just cut a hole in ball sac and put it in there:bigjoint: