How to increase THC content

There is absolutely no reason to decarb vaped weed. The heat from the vaping process decarbed it immediately as does a lighter but much less effectively.

Infact if you make your edibles slow and low there's no reason to decarb at all.
I keep trained spider mites around to chomp on my weed to hit the stress sweet spot for increased resin production.

CBD can convert to THC but not in the body. There are some papers on how it is done, not really practical in the real world otherwise you would see acres of hemp plants converted to THC.
I was studying the effects of Hydrogen Peroxide on THC when I stumbled across this from "Hemp Husbandry" by Robert A. Nelson see;
6.3 Isomerization ~

"The potency of marijuana can be increased by about 50% simply by simmering a water slurry of the material for 2 hours. Add water as necessary to maintain the level. Cool and filter the mixture, and refrigerate the aqueous solution. Dry the leaf material at low heat. Drink the tea before smoking the marijuana. The effects are much more intense and last longer than those from the untreated leaves. The boiling water treatment isomerizes the inactive CBD, and decarboxylates THCA to THC."
Anyone out there aware of, or try this? The article gives no further details as to the ratio of materials.
psuedo science. the only thing that controls thc level is genetics. post harvest it is unlikely. can you post a reference?