How to keep catnip hidden from choppers?

Covert Cannabis

Active Member
Wondering how helicopters spot catnip plants from above and is just one something to be concerned about
for people who may be growing catnip in states that dont like it
Don't plan on use any pvc tubing, just gonna grow out of an old tire like they do in Jamaica, gives the plant access to the main soil hoping mycorrhizae will establish itself
Direct line of sight hyperspectral image remote sensing. It's like a fingerprint, but light spectrum mix instead. If it's an aircraft flyover, they have HD 1"/pixel resolution or better, if satellite imagery they likely have 1ft/pixel resolution or better, who knows... A positive ID is basically unavoidable if not covered by solid material that blocks or filters the spectral light signature of the plant. so that sucks...
Well ive got plenty experience guerrilla growing in Hawaii at least. Green harvest is good you got to be not lazy when bush growing. I could write a book on all the tips and tricks of camouflage hole prep etc. Have found its same game in NorCal too. If you have specifics or topics ive got advice.
If its a property consider a green house then use vis-queen (?spelling) greenhouse plastic and a gate you keep locked at all times! Literally a plant has to be touching the plastic to be seen. Otherwise they cant get pics of whats inside.
So they can see it like a bullseye for one. In a field or edge of forest the fertilizer leaches, tree roots or grass rooots go to it and make a greener bullseye in the surrounding foilage. Dig your hole extra deep so ganja roots go deeper than the grass or trees and only it gets ferts.
Foot paths can he seen easily be careful moving in the bush. Any light openings made as well can look to obvious. Sometimes they can see the holes or so always mulch the top of the hole with surrounding debris on ground. Dont leave over turned dirt exposed. I used to keep the grass layer on the top of my hole and put it back on top to help camo after planting.
Its a hot plant too. It gives of more heat than grass or trees and more so when fertilized. Thermal imaging can spot it. Id look for nitrogen fixing plants like crotolaria and cowpeas etc to plant with. Nitrogen fixers are hot too. Dont overlook planting on a northish facing slope or other place with less than ideal light. In my experience they finish sooner. Smaller less yeild but not taken by da man.
In the field of information security at the natsec level, you can do one of two things. First, you can try to hide a piece of info through stealth and avoidance. Or, you can hide it in plain site, surrounded by more easily detected but innocuous targets.

Law enforcement agents are curious, but lazy. If you plant hemp plants all over a region in large patches, and put your grow in smaller areas spread out, they will quickly reach their "objective", their numbers will look good, and they won't hunt as hard.

They really don't care how they reach their numbers. They just want to look good on paper. Put in a bunch of honey pots, and they will get distracted.

Human nature.
Yep. Its a game lol. Good fun times... for when youre younger. Its a style fading away. I dunno but id get a telepathic vibes from my plants like when to give extra visits etc. I even had some fat grower buddies that liked it so much they got in way to better shape. Something about mountain grown bush weed that sometimes it has a wonderfully devastating high and flavor its environment imbues it with, that pampered smart pot full sun cant lack. Like wine, the terroir of the soil.
The funny thing about this is quite a few years back I found a huge patch of catnip on public property that I regularly kept going back to and collected fresh catnip off from as needed and it seems someone seen me and thought the plant was something else (the flowers can look somewhat similar to cannabis) and they pulled all the plants and used round up or something on the area
When I hear one coming in especially low and close I go into the garden and look up smiling with my middle finger raised in the air. If they do take a photo at least they will get a good laugh.
That is not the proper response, I know, because I always do the same thing!
Lots of things. But the main one is location. When looking for spots, remember trash = people. Go until you don't find any trash. New trash anyway. You will need to get in and get out, so parking has to be in a cool location. An old shed is what I used to do for parking. Hurricane took it, so I'm breaking that rule for now. But thick trees are alright to park under.

As far as the actual patch, plant on the south side of your cover. Chose cover that will keep it's leaves as long as you plan on having plants out. Use leaves or pinestraw for camo (and mulch) around your plants. Do not plant out in the open. Always have some sort of bushes or small trees growing in front and to the side, with taller trees behind (north of) your patch.

Trails is what gets your pot ripped or chopped by LEO's. Try to keep your trails down, and under trees if possible.
When you hear the helicopter, in the best Arnold voice you can, you have to scream something about the chopper