how to kill a tree stealth style?


Well-Known Member
cut the fuckin tree down. sooner better than later. gives time for the undergrowth to grow up some over the rest of the summer. cut it up in manageable sections and burn it or watevr u feel like doin (build a fuckin treehouse on the ground out of it so the tree huggers will have something to feel justified about(*at least it gave shelter*))

I know how hard it is to find a decent stealth spot. and when u do and there's a single fuckin tree blockin what could otherwise be a full day of sun./............that motherfuckers got to go son! [video=youtube;ecXr1i0Db-s][/video]


Well-Known Member
I am not sure there is a quiet way to kill a tree...I mean if you kill it in some crazy manner it will still one day fall over and either ruin something or at least make a large


Well-Known Member
oops scrolled back to the top and seen where it said "discreet way....." my bad
well if ya could chop it somehow......


Well-Known Member
You are only going to kill the tree slowly and still have no sun for a few years ..find a new patch to grow at.


Undercover Mod
I think this whole thread is fuckin dumb. Find a better place to grow, you have to be smarter than the tree to kill it.


Well-Known Member
still didnt here what kind of tree it was. it really makes a difference, round up works on some. but not all.


Active Member
Man do it right go to a firework store and get 10 quarter sticks and a roll of fuses and drill into te tree put them inthere set them to go off at once and it's the funniest fucking thing ....that remiss me I need more quarter sticks lol