HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

Growers should use caution when dealing with NPS because of its toxicity to humans and animals. You shouldn't use "No-Pest Strips" and other products containing Dichlorvos on flowering plants because of its chance of leaving residual amounts of the active ingredient on your plants. Dichlorvos (The active chemical in No-Pest Strips) is considered a carcinogen and if used with your plants, it should only be used in the vegetation cycle and plants rinsed with water before flowering so you dont have a chance of leaving chemical residue on your harvest if possible. The active chemical (Dichlorvos) can be rinsed off and breaks-down in water but is also a dangerous insecticide and should NOT be used in living areas where people have a chance to inhale the chemical. (People growing in their homes with children, pets etc.)

There needs to be a sticky thread about this because I seem to see plenty of people on the internet using these things improperly.

Info about Dichlorvos:

ATSDR - ToxFAQs™: Dichlorvos
I ran across this remedy when looking for an ALL NATURAL solution to spider mites during the flowering stage. I'm glad I didn't listen to the naysayers because after two weeks of use, my plants are 99% free of all eggs and mites. I don't feel comfortable stopping it's usage quite yet, but it DOES work. I can't say yet whether or not it will affect the taste of the flowers, but I plan on stopping at least two weeks before well as giving them a few spray downs with good ol' RO water to rinse off any remnants. Less than $15 for two pounds of habeneros:fire:. Thanks Calibuzz!
I've went through a whole bottle of neem, a quart of mighty wash, and this hot pepper shit. All of which slowed them down but couldn't stop them. I grow outside but thought i'd try those hot shot pest strips. Wind! ya I know but I'm in a area protected by wind and the nights here get really calm. Anyway its working. I bought three of them for my patch and move them to different plants every 2 days but its killing all them little shits and their eggs. After two days I can't find any on the plant one of them was on. FINALLY! I just have to make sure if it rains that I take them off. No worries here because we aren't getting shit for rain. My piss jug arms are getting tired.
I've went through a whole bottle of neem, a quart of mighty wash, and this hot pepper shit. All of which slowed them down but couldn't stop them. I grow outside but thought i'd try those hot shot pest strips. Wind! ya I know but I'm in a area protected by wind and the nights here get really calm. Anyway its working. I bought three of them for my patch and move them to different plants every 2 days but its killing all them little shits and their eggs. After two days I can't find any on the plant one of them was on. FINALLY! I just have to make sure if it rains that I take them off. No worries here because we aren't getting shit for rain. My piss jug arms are getting tired.
x2, just went to homedePOT and got those pest strips, 2 for $12, and change?So will see how this does, with neem too.

been dealing with mites for sometime, but have to say neem really works, as I really don't see any now, but I'll just keep on it, just encase.I miss some.

My last harvest was petty much mite free, and no gnats this time:clap:
I ran across this remedy when looking for an ALL NATURAL solution to spider mites during the flowering stage. I'm glad I didn't listen to the naysayers because after two weeks of use, my plants are 99% free of all eggs and mites. I don't feel comfortable stopping it's usage quite yet, but it DOES work. I can't say yet whether or not it will affect the taste of the flowers, but I plan on stopping at least two weeks before well as giving them a few spray downs with good ol' RO water to rinse off any remnants. Less than $15 for two pounds of habeneros:fire:. Thanks Calibuzz!
give us some feedback in a month, thanks
Hey writer or anyone whos dont this.. How BIG were your habaneros?? The ones i got were really small and i used probably like 15 of them in like 1 pint of water. IS IT TOO POTENT?!?! WILL IT HURT THE PLANTS??

First off, I want to thank Calibuzz for his initial post and follow all too often that the children on RUI open their traps and ruin helpful threads. I've followed the thread for a while and am ready to offer a few suggestions.

1. The no-pest strips are dangerous, and covered with "human" warnings on the packaging. They might be somewhat effective, but are not made specifically made for spider mites and you SURELY don't want to spend much time in the room if using them. I tried them a few years ago, and they didn't do shit. I have a large area though- for a closet they may be perfect. But I don't want my buds absorbing air-borne poisonous chemicals, that may or may not cause cancer or some other nasty disease in 10 years. These may be the cheapest form of protection, but also the most dangerous to your health IMO.
2. Mighty Wash is highly acidic-something like 4.2 pH. I bought some, and it helped some, but it changed my soil pH quite a bit. If you choose this, make sure you buy the Mighty Cleaner, that has the opposite pH of the Mighty Wash, to obtain a neutral pH when applied. I wish they were clearer about this at the beginning. My plants suffered until I figured it out. A so-so product.
3. Liquid Ladybug is very expensive. I like the quick evaporation of the product with no residuals but it too didn't eliminate the mites. It helped some, as they all do I guess.
4. Neem/Azamax/etc.- Azamax is just a more refined concentrate of Neem oil. Do not spray your buds with any of these, as they will close your stomata, your white hairs will dry up and die, and you bud size (and total weight) will suffer mightily. Spray your leaves yes, your buds NO. I use this as a soil drench, but nothing further.

I made and tried the Habanaro spray today and will spray again fully tomorrow. I'll report in a day or two my results.

Habanaro's can be rather small up to about the size of a bic lighter. I bought 5 for $1 and needed 30 peppers to make about a gallon of juice.

To 420: 15 peppers seem on the high end. I would drench my plants with fresh water to delute the concentration and reapply at the correct dose.

Lastly, this is another example of ask 100 people a pot question and get 100 different answers. It's like asking "what's the best strain?" I think multiple attacks using different products is best, but be diligent spraying/treating often. Keep on the lookout daily for signs of a larger infestation. Be careful what you use in flowering- in veg, it's much less important. Pyrethium sprays of different sources will also affect the stomata and close up buds- use only in veg. My rule of thumb is anything goes in veg and I'm much more selective in flowering.

Two other suggestions- If you have a limited number of plants, an alcohol wipe on the underside of leaves is quite effective. And plain water, applied sharply shooting at the underside of leaves will always help to remove the mite population from your plants. I'll report on my results in 2 days......
These spider mites are f'n relentless. I hate using neem or pest strips. I'm gonna give them another habanero shower tomorrow. My plants that don't have spider mites on them are holding their fan leaves much longer. Not sure if this is due to the neem, spider mite damage, or both. But I spray my unaffected ones just about as much so...thinking its the damn mites droppin the leaves. Dammit my yield is diminishing right before my eyes. I won't let this happen next year. sheesh
i had mites once, used a insectisidal soap early veg, got rid of them thank god. This pepper method sounds good gonna mix a batch and have on hand.

Also the pest strip earlier in post, i'm pretty sure it says not to have inside a home or within so much of a living area.
this and this and I've had no problem.....


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The OP is just trying to give people a cheaper, sustainable option. Wouldn't you want to encourage growers to solve problems locally? Isn't that better than relying on some product that has been shipped many miles in a truck, packaged in a plastic bottle, and sold to you by a middle-man?

Lets give our neighbors a batch of peppers that we grew ourselves rather than support a system of manufactured desire.:leaf:
Does the caliclean spray method make the buds taste peppery at all? I am going to try this for my spider mites since I have been 100% natural.
I think dbkick must be associated with Mighty Wash in some way.......I wasn't that happy with it. As I said, being it has a pH of 4.2, if it's gets in your soil, it will throw your pH off and deficiencies will occur unless you buy and apply their Cleaner Wash too.

I did a thorough inspection yesterday and it does appear the Calicleaner did a respectable job with the mites. IT DID NOT WIPE OUT THE ENTIRE EGG POPULATION, as I see some still viable on some leaves. But with that said, I have not seen any new damage and my guess is 80-85% death rate. I don't see any mites anymore, just some eggs in much smaller numbers. I went back to Safeway today and bought another 30 Habanero's for under $5 and I'm planning on making another 3/4 of a gallon spray for tomorrow. I also ordered a 5 gallon concentrate of Liquid Ladybug (used the code LiquidLadybug10 for 10% discount) for $179 which makes 5 gallons of spray. And I'll spray every day if I have too!

So, so far I'm happy with the Calicleaner and it appears to be a very good cheap alternative. Multiple sprays must be made, and it's a little nasty but done properly it's no big deal. For $5 and a little time, right now it's a Consumer Reports "Best Buy"........
Dude, Calibuzz! you're the man!

Although i had to read nearly 20 pages of this thread to get all my answers about caliclean it was definitely worth it bro! This is a great thread besides all the negative comments that we're posted and all the kids advertising about their mighty wash or other non organic solutions. I like the way you think man.

This is my first grow that have the dreaded spidermites but after making some of that pepper spray i demolished those little fuckers! I used about 30-32 habanero's to a gallon of water and simmered on low for 30 mins, man when i was making this stuff i was coughing and sneezing like no other. While spraying i decided to wear long clothes and a full face painting mask, worked absolutely wonderful, had no iratations whatsoever. I do wish the pepper spray killed the eggs as well, but this is a great solution for killing the live mites or briefly killing off the colony.

Now that i have encountered this problem I would like to figure out or learn an organic way of suffocating the eggs so that I can kill off the colony in one or two spray downs. Have been looking into the liquid lady bug and "no spider mites" but would like to make my own if its not as expensive as a $30 bottle. If you or any others have some advice on that I would be glad to hear it.

By the way, thanks for everyone who contributed to this thread with positive feedback or constructive criticism and not negative feedback. It really helps me learn and that's what we are all here for right?! Happy growing everybody.

I agree.......the Calicleaner is quite effective. I did 2 thorough sprays and am really happy with the results. My Liquid Ladybug concentrate arrived today (It makes 5 gallons worth of spray from 1 gallon of concentrate) and I'll be spraying tonight. I'm figuring a weekly Calicleaner will get me thru to finish........I'm very happy.....really I am. Let's see: it's cheap to make ($5), it's easy, it's readily available, and it's effective. Stop using everything else and start spraying it like crazy......the plants love it.
Does the caliclean spray method make the buds taste peppery at all? I am going to try this for my spider mites since I have been 100% natural.

To answer this question.....the pepper does stay on the plant until washed off. I was playing with some leaves today and my fingers started burning about 15 minutes later. I couldn't figure out why......until I remembered I was playing with some leaves looking for eggs/mites. So, I would plan for a good wash before harvest and make sure you give it plenty of time to dry before lights out (so you don't have mold). And double up on the fans to make sure no moisture remains on the buds.