HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

Two spotters are far more resilient than other mites and have been plaguing cannabis for ages, all eggs coated absorb the insecticide used and somehow when they hatch the same insecticide doesn't affect the survivors. Your information definitely describes what is happening!

As far as my last question, you basically answered it.
"Once the leaf is coated, for the mites its like sucking on a redhot poker, burning their mouth off. They either burn right away and shrivel, or starve as you have destroyed their ability to feed."

Eliminating the ability to feed not the food source
I should have worded it differently, my bad ^_^

I like the fact that your spray doesn't linger and breaks down over time. Many oils that i have used affect the taste and smell of the bud negatively which is why i don't spray my buds at all in flower.
I have been using ladybugs in flower but they don't do a damn thing against these bastards! I'm trying mantis at the moment but it looks like the egg pods i purchased were dead so i'm gonna get more and try hatching them in a controlled environment then release them. So lately i have been keeping my plants alive just up to harvest by hand killing mites which is a daily task, and washing them plain water when the mites form webbing.
My veg and clone rooms are under control with my current application techniques but i have been looking for a good flower remedy that i can spray in case my natural predators aren't doing their job.
i really hope your spray works but ill let you know for sure in a week or so and ill include a smoke report on the taste/smell when ready. I have been harvesting this strain for a year every week so i know when the taste is affected or not.

Keep up the good work man!
knowledge is power
what are your degrees in if you don't mind me asking? I'm currently going for my AS in biology to one day get my masters or phD in Molecular Biology
I'm only 19 though so I've got a long way to go :]


Sorry to bring up an old thread

so if I understand correctly the mites will eventually build an immunity to the habanero pepper.
I could switch between threes different sprays and they would all die off.
do these three sprays sound good?
1- just the habanero pepper
2- habanero and garlic
3- my organically grown tobacco mixed with some garlic(Aztec tobacco highest nicotine content,And Virginia)

thanks if anyone replys
I plan on using Forbid right around the time I flip. We had mites at week 6 last grow, so I plan on going with a integrated pest management approach outlined in an earlier thread. Basicly, rotating Forbid, Mite Rid, Avid, Azamax, etc. so that the mites don't build up a resistance to the pesticides. I also had hermies last grow, so I will be applying Dutch Masters Reverse within the first week of flower and then 10 days later. Since we are also constantly compating powdery mildew, I will likely spray some Eagle 20 early on in the flower stage also. I sprayed E20 in veg and so far so good. My question is, with all this going on, what would be the proper timing of these sprays? Please save your breath about cleanliness, light leaks, etc. We are in preventative mode and want to eliminate the known problems so that we can deal with our new, unkown problems. I just am looking for some advice on which to do first, second, third...if it even matters...thanks

There is no need for using all that other crap. If you do, just be careful not to poison your finished product.
What about pepper spray (not with police stuff that swells eyes/face)? is this too intense?

could be a easy to do alternative to making your own

maybe spray some into a spray bottle to dilute it with water.

what do you guys think?

For anyone considering my retarded vodka remedy, dont, get wasted go the local botany place and buy some anti lice spray.
I got spidermites half way into begging my mother plant and a clone of my friends. I believe the mites came from him and stayed dormant in their eggs for several weeks.

They hit out of nowhere. One night i was inspecting my girls and they were fine and the next morning was a nightmare. Apparently they hatched overnight and spread to my mothers lower fan leaves. This would be my second time with these little bastards and here's how I got them.....all

1st. I'm growing indoors so I can control the temps. If you can LOWER the temp to around 70 degrees. Spidermites hate colder weather.

2nd. Isolate the plants so they can't spread. These little fuckers will take massive journeys to find your girls. Sterilize your growspace. Mist down top and underside of leaves with distilled or water of your choice.

3rd. I have had big infestations on my entire crop and I've NEVER once used any chemical or supplement. Depending on how early you catch them, hopefully sooner than later, you can literally pick them off. I use a threading needle, it may take some time but I have killed hundreds off 1 plant, then sprayed leaves witth water, rinse repeat and had a spidermite free plant every time.

This is just from my experience. I have completely killed off an entire society off spidermites in a day. You will check back to see if any eggs have hatched everyday, but after you kill the breeders, the babies and eggs are easy targets.
I also had a colony of ladybugs living amongst my plants. Ive heard they eat aphids so maybe they fed on spidermites as well. So either way 100% natural way of killing spidermites lol
Just wanna say i put a no pest strip in a 700 sq foot room. Just lost a whole harvest to mites regardless. FUCK HOTSHOT NOPEST STRIPS
Just wanna say i put a no pest strip in a 700 sq foot room. Just lost a whole harvest to mites regardless. FUCK HOTSHOT NOPEST STRIPS

Forbid 4f. Spray once. Mites dead, babies dead, eggs dead.

Spray once per crop during vegetative, problem solved for $25.

Why people keep screwing around with plucking and other 'cures' I will never understand. Forbid slaughters them forever. Don't even have to spray the undersides of the leaves, kills right through them systemically and keeps killing for six weeks.

most of the cures are weak sauce. cayenne pepper and garlic blended spray works however. neem oil please dont make me laugh again
Ah, the dreaded red winter mites.

Somehow I have them in February as well, much easier to get rid of than those damn fungus gnats.

They move very slowly and hate water, particularly water with a bit of organic dish soap and garlic mixed in. I spray the plants from underneath, wait 20 minutes and spray down with fresh water. As with most sprays, this should be done with the lights off. Bleach and a vacuum are also a good idea for sanitizing grow tents etc.

And since I'm about to harvest one, I'll let you all know if buds have an Italian
We have found Neem Oil, Cinnamon, Ginger, Pepper, Chamomile ( The Lipton Quietly Chamomile,), Mint, Wall sticker Pest Strip, and very very cold water flushes, as well as when curing, hanging them upside down then just removing from the tips....Works for all of us at least...