HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

I'm 4 week in flowering and have been fighting these mite fuckers for the last couple weeks, thought I was winning until founnd more today, sprayed them with a simple neem oil dish soap lavender oil spray, but now after spraying a good amount of the pistils have turned brown, should i be worried?, or will it grow new ones as the buds continue to grow, or is it fucked
I noticed even though my pistols turned orange/brown when spraying I still had more white pistols grow and develop. Should be fine.
Do you know if any pepper on this list will
Work to make spray with?

I've used a couple of different kinds of habanero to make pepper spray for weed and had success. Got some soaking on the stove top now.
I tend to like it strong, so I've never tried peppers with a lower heat than habaneros.

While I've never tried thai peppers, at a high enough concentration of pepper to water I think they might work. I'm growing some of them, so maybe I'll make some for lighter infestations on flowers and house plants and see how that works. It is a little tough to find habaneros at some super markets, but a pound of them can make a decent batch of pepper spray. Happy growing!
Hey there, I have a question.

If you can use this through all stages, how will you have smokable weed with this stuff on the bud? If we need to wear a mask to apply it, and spider mites will burn their face off by trying to eat the plant, won't we be inhaling Habanera fire by smoking this weed?

I just bought some Mineral Oil spray from Menards, but this sounds interesting if it will work. Always looking for more tools! Thanks
Yeah, could give another meaning to "fire weed".

That's why I try to stay away from using pepper spray when plants are flowering in mid and late stages. Predator mites and crossed fingers then. I'm reluctant to spray buds with any water based stuff past the initial flowering stage. don't want to gamble and invite mold etc.

Good luck with the mineral oil!
Fire weed lmao Good one. The Mineral Oil is for vegging plants, I wouldn't dare use it on the flowering one. All I can do is hope the ladybugs I've caught and introduced can eat all the aphids in time!
Fire weed lmao Good one. The Mineral Oil is for vegging plants, I wouldn't dare use it on the flowering one. All I can do is hope the ladybugs I've caught and introduced can eat all the aphids in time!

Happy lady bugs will lay eggs. The larvae like to chomp on aphids. A little water and some raisins for the adults to feed on might induce the lady bugs to stick around and set the stage for some lady bug romance.

You see, when mommy and daddy lady bugs love each other....

Pest repellent ebay 11-15£ for 4 or 6.......

I have just started growing again after a 4 year break and read about these on here, so i bought them and now on my second run havnt seen a thing yet fingers crossed it stays this way
That doesn't kill anything. It's more for rodents and won't do a damn thing for spider mites. It uses sound waves to drive them away and they don't even work for rodents.

Cheers for the heads up, heres me thinking they working fine aswell....
This has been my most enjoyable read since My Side of The Mountain, you guy are funny as shit. I think I will try eveything except that stink oil.
I did have some supper mites last year, they were covering one plant each hour, (truth!) so I will keep a few liters of NPK Mighty Mite in case of an emergency. I'm thinking UV might neutralize the pepper sauce, Ill hope LOL
Howdy Jimmy5800!

Thank you for your questions and input!

1.) If one makes a batch, you may store it in your fridge indefinetly -- weeks and weeks. Also, if you save your residue after cooking the first batch, you can sqeeze a second batch out of it by (after freezing it) soaking the dregs in hot water and letting sit for 8 hours.
2.) Yes and No. Though all peppers have active protiens that make them hot, not all work as well. A lot of boiling and concentrating might have to take place to gain the potency of the Habenera Pepper. Get dried Habies on-line, and soak those in scalding water for an hour. Caliclean knocks them dead instantly on contact.
3.) Yes! It works well on aphids and most very small leaf-biting insects and arachnids.
4.) Enjoy your natural alchemy; have fun - don't forgrt not to touch your eyes after you handle the stuff. WHOA!!! :)

Peace be With You Always

My Best,

So question . . ? Do you know if I can harvest (I am starting in the harvest window)and put in the freezer for some minutes to kill them fast but not harm my buds?/!
I have been releasing preditors (bugs) and spending 30+ min a day swabbing the under side of leaves with a q-tip and cheap vodka. I have made a huge difference! I caught them as I noticed webs starting to form in the crux of nodes. I also increased air flow and raised RH. Little bastards moved to the back of the tent. Any other organic ways?/! I just want to make sure if I harvest they won't continue munching my buds in absentia or curing.
So question . . ? Do you know if I can harvest (I am starting in the harvest window)and put in the freezer for some minutes to kill them fast but not harm my buds?/!
I have been releasing preditors (bugs) and spending 30+ min a day swabbing the under side of leaves with a q-tip and cheap vodka. I have made a huge difference! I caught them as I noticed webs starting to form in the crux of nodes. I also increased air flow and raised RH. Little bastards moved to the back of the tent. Any other organic ways?/! I just want to make sure if I harvest they won't continue munching my buds in absentia or curing.

Vacuum the leafs and places you can... its a lot easier on veg then flower but it sucks the little bastards off