how to "listen" to my plants ?

i hear this alot and understand it but i need to find somewhere thats got an easy laid out symptom and remedy for what the plants are needing

like how to tell when to add more or remove nutrients or up an down the ph etc

how can i experiment to see what they like best and what signs show that it is or isnt working ?


Dude. I'm a newbie still working on my first grow. What you do is read the forums. Buy a book from Amazon (not an endorsement). Get yourself a ph meter, tsd meter for measuring ppm's and watch your nutes. The main thing is to read the forums. Have you ever heard of lurking? Good luck and more power to your "listening to your plants". You might be onto something. I talk to mine all the time.
yeh funnily enough i have been lurking for months i started growing over a month ago in my propogator i have my blue labs truncheon i also have a book that i bought from my local growshop not amazon oh and i have a ph meter that i have obviously been using since day 1

and the reason i quoted the listen part was because if you have read more than i have on various forums you will have seen the phrase mentioned many many times, do you even know what it means ? clearly not

what i think a plant wants an what the plant needs are two very different things meters only tell a small part of the story and the rest you have to tell from (i assume) the rate of growth the distance of nodes and colour of leaves and many many other factors

what i want is some pointers to information on learning the signs instead of constantly posting questions after i have ran into a problem , id like to see a problem forming an know about it an how to fix it , yeh you keep talking to your plants , god help them cos i doubt you can !

yeh well practise is certainly a big one but im looking to find documented experiences as much as possible and learn from them, like a list of tell tale signs and triggers of when something needs changed or fixed

surely some people here understand this and dont have the limited capacity of the first person to reply to think that i think i can "hear" requests from plants


Active Member
Obviously there`s many compilations of marijuana plant problem symptoms on the web like Nusky listed and they`re quite useful, just make sure you don`t approach your grow in a wrong way and start looking for problems. Not every little spot on a leaf is a sign of deficiency and treating for non-exiting problem may actually create a problem. I know exactly what you mean regarding listening to plants, and the more time you spend with them the quicker you notice subtle changes in appearance. But theres nothing wrong with asking for help/opinion from seasoned growers as experience really is invaluable, just like you need experience here on this forum to know experienced grower from experienced poster and whose advice to take, unfortunately. Good luck with your grow.


Active Member
I hate changing strains.
It takes three to four grows just to learn a new plant. Plants vary just like dogs and people. Listening to a plant involves learning the plant's language.
A book with pictures will give a general start point, but experience with the plant is the answer to go with the book.

This falls under the 'practice' advised earlier. Sometimes there is no substitute, pictures are not plants and do not give feedback. This feedback has to be learned from the plant. 'Listening' it might be called by some.
cheers lads those last replys are the sort of direction and informative posting i am looking for , i wont jump the gun and mistreat non problems but i want to do my best with this and try and nip any problems in the bud so to speak lol

i dont mind asking for help either but i dont want to be doing it constantly as if i am not willing to learn and just use other people on here to solve my problems as i feel some people do or dont really put the effort required into growing


eh up cluelessuk... am about to start a journal (need batteries for me camera.. I have 20 odd seedlings on the go and aim to show what underwatering,overwatering, underfeeding and overfeeding looks like.. cus after 4 or 5 grows I still cant tell is something is over or underfed and does me box in LMAO...

journal will be coming very soon.
lol thats a brilliant idea luckycat i will be watching out for that , should get stickied if it pans out correctly (or incorrectly as it were lol )

the aim of the game i always thought is to get as much nutrient light and water into the plants as the plant will take in to get the most out of your growing time and threads that show mistakes will help us that are clueless hence my name :)


and air mucker our girls need as much fresh air as we can give them... am looking forward to having a wee play with some of the plants.. got new nutes 2 general hydroponics flora series micro and bloom... should be a blast... aiming to give one of the plants a full hydroponic dose... should be enough LOL... am in da UK too mucker... Wales but am Irish and my lovely wife is Welsh.
lol if i had the time id like to do experiments too , im just using ionic stuff for my first one as its a simple 1 part nute so that takes some of the mistakes i could make with wrong ratios or whatever out of the mix

scotland here :D


oh ffs an incomprehensible fecker ROFLMAO mahn belive me you dont know how good it is to read a scottish accent.. for real....... look forward to your first harvest clue... honestly mucker, growing your own is the one of the best things you will ever do in your life... woot woot



Well-Known Member
well...alot of problems can be solved by the process of elimination...example: problem: my plant is yellowing from the bottom up, i water twice a week, and feed every other watering. she is still in veg. about 15" tall. solution: ELIMINATION!! so you know you dont over water, or over feed...because you feed once a that is probably where you should start. just think about things a little bit and everything will be fine...its not rocket science. it is a weed...very hearty, and easy to grow...just keep it simple.


eh up clueless... hope you wasn't offended with me incomprehensible comment have a lovely wonderful friend who is Scottish so tis meant fondly mucker...

rightso I am off into town to get some batteries for me camera... and if clueless doesn't object will post pics of the plants I am going to intentionally over nute here...

Gobskil the only problem with the process of elimination is one has to actually remember what they did and believe me since growing me own have found me short term memory plays me up somat rotten..

have started me journal clueless and have just over nuked one of the seedling so we can see what overfeeding looks like mucker....
lol not atall cat i have just got in from work an gym , yeh i will go find and sub your journal mate , cant wait to spark up something iv worked hard to grow :)

that was a handy pic things like that i like and if i am not sure i can ask on here

yeh an the problem with elimination is i dont want to eliminate anything if possible , if i can spot a problem before it gets too bad i would prefer that , especially if i have grown something for a month or so thats just waste of time