How to make a passive intake in a tent without light leaks


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, Im setting up my 2x4x5 grow tent, I have everything worked out except for a small detail on the intake. My tent has velcroed flap vents on the lower half of the tent that I would like to use for a passive intake, but with the flaps open there is a light leak.

I will be running a 6" fan for exhaust and with only 2 small plants I think I only need a passive intake. Is there a way to make the flaps work for my needs without having 90* bends (would be difficult because of rectangular shape of flaps)

Or I notice the bottom half of the tent also has about a 4" hole/vent that you can draw string closed, would that be big enough to put a simple piece of pipe in or screen or some sort of light blocker in or would this size tent need more air?

Hopefully a simple solution for passive intake is available, appreciate the info
I ended up wonderring walmart, 2 dollar stores and eventually Home depot while doing my errands and other projects for around the house, Home depot sells carbon filter sheets in 12X12X1/4inch thick, which is perfect as the intake flaps on the tent are 11.5" wide and 4" tall so I can cut the sheet to fit both the small flaps, use clothes pins or something to hold them down and bobs your uncle no light leaks and full time passive intake
the method is called the wine box trick

make a box outta ply even plastic

have a flap central

so its light proof

air is sucked in via the lower inlet and pushed out

once working its way past the central flap to exit at the top

not rocket science but best painted flat black

keep inlet vents passive

good luck
the method is called the wine box trick

make a box outta ply even plastic

have a flap central

so its light proof

air is sucked in via the lower inlet and pushed out

once working its way past the central flap to exit at the top

not rocket science but best painted flat black

keep inlet vents passive

good luck
What do you mean as "have flaps central"?
I'm confused.
Plz explain.
Insert flexible venting into the tent intake hole 1.5'-2' long, seal around it and form an 's' shape with a the piece of ducting either on the inside or out side.
like a periscope!
Sorry man. I don't know what the this either. I googled it and found it's an app. I did the "S" thing with the venting. The reason I wanted to know about the vents is because the sides of my tent are super sucked in. Maybe I'm thinking I need to get a speed controller for my Can-Fan. Thanks for answering back.
Much Regards
He is talking about a light proof baffle like a photography darkroom uses. Light cannot turn around opaque dividers. So there are 2 deviders inside a light proof box. The air goes through. But not the light.

I always used a section of 6” flexible duct and bent with both ends pointing down to the floor like an upside down “U” and cover the ends with a couple layers of black air conditioner replacement filter foam. Found at home centers cheap.

I’m sorry but I don’t have a pic in my phone anymore. I would put the upside down U through the intake holes down low in my tents. So it sucks in the cool air low in the room and expelled it under the plant canopy.

With 2 layers of the black foam filter material on each end no light gets through.

You will need 2-4x the size intake as exhaust.

I have used 2 8” intakes to 1 6” exhaust passively to cool a 600 watt 4x4.
I think what @vostok meant was something like this:

I have 2 of these installed inside the walls between studs in my momma room. 1 as an inlet and 1 as an exhaust. When you stand outside the room with lights off there isnt not a bit of light. 100% total darkness. I sprayed the inside of them flat black too but didnt use any flaps, just used them as they came.
On some tents they have what is called a light saver. It's like a little canopy over the rectangular flaps at the bottom. My tent has them but not sure if they work 100% to keep the light out like ducting would.
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I think what @vostok meant was something like this:

I have 2 of these installed inside the walls between studs in my momma room. 1 as an inlet and 1 as an exhaust. When you stand outside the room with lights off there isnt not a bit of light. 100% total darkness. I sprayed the inside of them flat black too but didnt use any flaps, just used them as they came.

I have 2 of these installed inside the walls between studs in my momma room. 1 as an inlet and 1 as an exhaust. When you stand outside the room with lights off there isnt not a bit of light. 100% total darkness. I sprayed the inside of them flat black too but didnt use any flaps, just used them as they came.
Now I understand HydroRed. Thanks Man. Makes perfect sense.
I think what @vostok meant was something like this:

I have 2 of these installed inside the walls between studs in my momma room. 1 as an inlet and 1 as an exhaust. When you stand outside the room with lights off there isnt not a bit of light. 100% total darkness. I sprayed the inside of them flat black too but didnt use any flaps, just used them as they came.

Thank You Red!!!