How to make flowering period shorter?


Well-Known Member
We can cross-breed strains that have shorter flowering times but there is only so much you can do to nature.


Well-Known Member
If ya growing indoors you just need to shorten your 12 hr lights on to
just 10 hrs and they will finish quicker with a smaller yeild.


Well-Known Member
there is no way unless u do change nature. even if you did a auto flower like 60 day wonder thats still 6o days from seed. no different then then flowering a clone as soon as you root it


Well-Known Member
ok then, i dont understand how you can give your plants a photoperiod of 8 hours and then 10 hours of darkness as it is impossible without crating 2 different lightcycles per 24h.

please do explain. cant wait to hear this


Active Member
What oj1981 said.. progressively make dark period longer will shorten ripening time but your yield may suffer. gradually go from 12/12 to 12.15/11.45(light)to 12.30/11.30(light) and so on till u hit 13 dark and 11 light. I switch 1 click on my timer every 3 days whilst I'm flushing, then 24 hours dark before I lightsabre them. Hope this helps. If I'm not in a rush or cba I just leave em on 12/12. respect
What oj1981 said.. progressively make dark period longer will shorten ripening time but your yield may suffer. gradually go from 12/12 to 12.15/11.45(light)to 12.30/11.30(light) and so on till u hit 13 dark and 11 light. I switch 1 click on my timer every 3 days whilst I'm flushing, then 24 hours dark before I lightsabre them. Hope this helps. If I'm not in a rush or cba I just leave em on 12/12. respect
I do the same as you do
ok then, i dont understand how you can give your plants a photoperiod of 8 hours and then 10 hours of darkness as it is impossible without crating 2 different lightcycles per 24h.

please do explain. cant wait to hear this
change the brightness of the cycle if, for example, 16 / 8 (day 16 small time, 8 hours dark), plants may remain in the growing season without flowering. Open from 2 to 3 weeks after the lights, you plants will be covered by a white pistil, pistil may appear in the top of the plant from the line, and finally covered the whole plant. At this time, will become a flower pistil, until they took the whole plant. 12/12 flowering cycle normally takes 7-9 weeks. If you think there are enough buds to reduction of the flowering cycle; simply into light and dark cycle of 8 / 10 (8 hours of light per day, 10 hours of darkness) can be. , The plant will begin to rapidly mature to harvest in 2-3 weeks. In this mode, the harvest time will be faster, but the harvest will be less.


Active Member
Yes nicebud, all we are doing is simulating nature, shortening the photoperiod makes the plant think summers coming to an end so it speeds up it's flowering. If we had 18 hours of sunlight all year round, plants might respond differently. take it easy. Of course I'm referring to a planet that runs on a 24 hour day, NOT 10/8??? wtf


Active Member
I'm lost now, can you explain how you make a 24 hour timer do 8/10? Is it a quantum accelerator or a flux capacitor? Can't find one in my grow mag! Lmao
make it simple guys and dont need to think that so complicated. the reason why you guys dont understand what I am talking about because you guys are using 1day 24hrs timer.But I am using a weekly 24hrs timer. There are 84hrs on my timer (7days x 12click , 2hrs a click), you can create your own lighting schedule by using weekly 24hr timer.
For example I start to change my lighting schedule to 8hrs light / 10hr dark on Sunday. After 6days later, I need to re-click the button on the timer. because 1day=24hr. and I changed 1day=18hrs.