How to make hash from trimmings


I have trimmings from my 5 plants, And i am unsure weather or not to dry them first or put them straight into the freezer and put them over a sieve and make hash that way,
Can any one help us out?


Active Member
I've heard to freeze them right away if you are making ice hash.

I like to make mad batches of coconut oil in my crock pot and just eat a spoonful for lunch.....= me blasted to the point of not talking at times, for hours!

Although hash sure would taste better I bet! You could always make honey oil too.


Yeah i have kief box homemade style, It looks good lol, just what do i do freeze them first or dry and then freeze them?


home made kief box, made it with a lighter a 30yr old sieve and to plastic containers, as you can see there was holes in the seive an i used cellotape


Well-Known Member
So if it is a kief box there would be no liquid...a kief box is like a screen with a tray you run the dry cold trim back and forth across the screen to collect what falls into the tray...

Weed Anubis

Well-Known Member
i have not made hash yet its somthing i look forward too after i finish my first grow, however have done some research check these sites to find the best method for you

the only method that i didn't see on there was that u can render in alcohol (rubbing) basically, u add plant matter to some heated up alcohol let that render a bit, drain save the the slush made in a can or jar or whatever, then take that same plant matter that's already been rendered and do it again mix both the slush u made and then heat that slush till u evaporate all the alcohol and leaves nothing but Trichroms mmmm hash, however i have not done this my self and have read that its the best method only if u have a real lab to make hash in, lol im just letting u know whats out there


Active Member
you could always do the butane hash oil or ear wax hash as some call it ive been experimenting with it last couple grows and its pretty sweet very easy to do too.....shit fucks you up:weed:


Active Member
you could always do the butane hash oil or ear wax hash as some call it ive been experimenting with it last couple grows and its pretty sweet very easy to do too.....shit fucks you up:weed:

Naw man that guy Soma from SOMA Seeds got fucked up in the heart from smoking butane hash, watch out!

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
The easiest way to make hash, and get great yields is to use the dry ice method. I treat my trim like bud, you want it dry, but not too dry.

I just made some great hash from a Jack Herer plant using 160 micron bags and dry ice.

Fill bucket with trim, break up dry ice into bucket, put bubble bag on bucket, shake out over glass table, gather pollen, and done!


Active Member
The easiest way to make hash, and get great yields is to use the dry ice method. I treat my trim like bud, you want it dry, but not too dry.

I just made some great hash from a Jack Herer plant using 160 micron bags and dry ice.

Fill bucket with trim, break up dry ice into bucket, put bubble bag on bucket, shake out over glass table, gather pollen, and done!
God damn that looks easy as shit. +rep can't wait to try.