how to make hashish?


Well-Known Member
To answer the question simply, hash is just concentrated resin glands from the plant, pressed together to make a sticky mass.

There are many ways to make it.

One of the easiest and oldest is just to rub your hands against the raw sticky resinous plant, until the resin sticks on your hands. Rub the resin into a small ball with your fingers and you have "finger hash".

People who use scissors to "manicure" marijuana flowers will find resin accumulating on the scissor blades. This can be scraped off to make "scissor hash".

Traditional Middle Eastern way (and still used today) is to rub or beat dried cannabis flowers onto a silk screen stretched tightly over a bowl. The small resinous cannabis trichrome "glands" break off and fall through the small holes in the silk, appearing as a yellowish powder, sometimes called "kief". This powder is pressed together and/or gently heated to squeeze together into pure hashish bricks.

Basically the same process can use done using specially designed bags with silk mess ("bubble bags") with the cannabis ground up and floating in ice water, which hardens the glands. The bags act as strainers and successive bags with different diameter holes allow different sized "stuff" to pass through. With the right set of bags, the pure trichomes get caught and can be scraped off and dried to leave pure strong "bubble hash". This is one of the more effective and simple "home" hash techniques. There is a similar process using dry ice that basically accomplishes the same thing, only dry.

Hash can also be made chemically using solvents. One common one is butane. Basically the solvents dissolve out the THC and other active cannabinoids from the cannabis, and when the solvent evaporates, what's left is strong hash or hash oil.


Well-Known Member

easiest way to make hash for a beginer. good luck :)
loved the method ! doesn't look to difficult. I guess I will do mine like that. Matthe...what can I say, good advices as always! + rep