how to make plant stretch?


Active Member
I'm realizing maybe I asked the wrong question. What is the best way to encourage stem growth, not stretching


Active Member
She is over 3 months old now, she is my baby had her the longest and put the most work into her, I want to bud her with the others, the leaves are getting too close together, the lights are mostly red so I did expect a bit more stem growth, and I would rather not buy another light for flowering


Well-Known Member
Like the previous poster said those led's are usually not the best for vegging the spectrum is better for germinating seedlings and flowering. Couple that with high nitrogen you get a short leafy plant. When you flip it should have a jump in growth it's not exactly stretching as in high heat stretching but rather an explosion of growth at the beginning of flowering that puts a larger gap between each node. In order to make room for flowers. To get better stem growth you have to change your veg habits. Play with variations of light intensity and lower that nitrogen, or different lights and lower nitrogen. Genetics can also play a huge role.


Well-Known Member
I tried to keep her even was the main thing, the more I tie down tho the more want to grow! Lol I got a bunch of clones off her first then did a mainline style at first removing all lower growth below 4th node and topping her. She is the busiest plant I've ever had tho hard to control, but even before this or the LEDS they always grew like this. Must be because of the nitrogen always like to put lots of that.
Cut back on the nitrogen and give her a week more in veg ( don't do any more trainning), give her some bloom in the first week of flower and you will pull a good yeild
only need plants to be 12-18" high to pull the max yeild under leds

A full even canopy is the most important thing, think of you canopy as a scrog full of short fat buds :)


Active Member
Cut back on the nitrogen and give her a week more in veg ( don't do any more trainning), give her some bloom in the first week of flower and you will pull a good yeild
only need plants to be 12-18" high to pull the max yeild under leds

A full even canopy is the most important thing, think of you canopy as a scrog full of short fat buds :)
Thanks for the info in the plant size, do you have a link or anything for that? I don't understand how to get the nodes farther apart I need full penetration! Lmfao


Well-Known Member
fellow your plants will strech and double in size when you turn the plant over to flower 12/12 ( most the strech happens in week 2-3 of flower)

you want the node spacing as close as you can

lets show you with pics off google

early bud growth from the nodes


I have circled the nodes so you can see where the buds start to grow

if the node space is very close the buds grow into each other and cause large colas like this in late flower


if there's a lot of space between the nodes, this is what you will get in late flower,

streched nodes.jpg

The buds only grow where the nodes are so if there a low amout of nodes, you grow less bud

just look at this plant and you will see why you only get good qualty bud on the top 6-12" of the plant


Well-Known Member
I know it's a weird question, but I can't find any good info on it anywhere, I'm wondering how to make a really bushy plant stretch more? I have just put her into flower so I don't want anything that will slow her growth. And don't want to move the light because it's in optimum spot for all of them. I don't know why but my plants always come out soo bushy! It won't grow any other way.
You got lucky. Now you can use it to breed seeds and sell them as the world's most compact Cannabis strain. Growers hate stretchy plants. But to answer your question of how to make them stretch, just put some incandescent light in there I guess.


Well-Known Member
He's really asking how to grow (veg) them with longer spacing between nodes. Vegging under those diode-based LED's is what gives him the very tight nodes and short of changing his lights there's not a lot that he can do about it that would have a big enough impact. Not all but most strains I've vegged under those type of LED's end up with that tight node structure, it's fine for me because once I flip them to flower under CMH they stretch out gives me normal node spacing. In his case he's vegging and flowering under the same lights/spectrum and not getting a lot of stretch, therefore his node spacing remains close in flower as well.


Active Member
fellow your plants will strech and double in size when you turn the plant over to flower 12/12 ( most the strech happens in week 2-3 of flower)
Just wondering what you think would happen if maybe I flowered for 2-3 weeks or so, let here explode then re veg her, and maybe do it again and again? Flower a month veg a month flower a month veg a month etc, any ideas? I would never try something fucky like that with her, but maybe one of my less amazing plants :D any idea why it grows so fast during that time of flower? Certain hormone doing something different or something? Would be useful to know

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Damn - No one said the easy one!

Go down to your local grow shop and ask for a "plant stretcher". If they don't have one, a board stretcher from the local lumber yard will work in a pinch! They're near the Brass magnets!

"How do you make a plant stretch??" Put it's food just out of reach!

I couldn't resist - sorry - LOL

J Bleezy

Well-Known Member
High temps, poor light are usually the cause (besides the obvious, when you flip). But why lst if you don't want bushy?
On a side note. I emailed house & garden about using multizen during veg and they said it's fine to use, but may cause some unwanted stretching.


Well-Known Member
I know it's a weird question, but I can't find any good info on it anywhere, I'm wondering how to make a really bushy plant stretch more? I have just put her into flower so I don't want anything that will slow her growth. And don't want to move the light because it's in optimum spot for all of them. I don't know why but my plants always come out soo bushy! It won't grow any other way.
the bigger diference in kelvins from veg to flower the bigger the stretch...if you want ur plant to really stretch up, go from 6500k in veg to 2000k in flower.. if you use the same lamp in veg and flower stretch is minimized... however if you use hps alone plants get taller than same plant grown under mh alone, its the change in kelvins that makes the stretch so the standard mh in veg to hps in flower creates stretch.. many people that DONT want the stretch use mh in veg and the first 2-3 weeks in flower then switch to hps, the change in kelivins creates stretch but only till 3rd week of flower,after 3 weeks in bloom plants focus is more on bud production, not on verticle or horizontal growth... grow well and be well to all...


Well-Known Member
Just wondering what you think would happen if maybe I flowered for 2-3 weeks or so, let here explode then re veg her, and maybe do it again and again? Flower a month veg a month flower a month veg a month etc, any ideas? I would never try something fucky like that with her, but maybe one of my less amazing plants :D any idea why it grows so fast during that time of flower? Certain hormone doing something different or something? Would be useful to know
reveg doest work but takes a long time do you really want to flower the plants for 3 weeks reveg for 6 weeks and flower for 8 weeks just to pull a larger havest ?
it growers faster because the plant knows the summer days are getting short ( 12 hours of light ) and knows its going to die soon so it growers quick and flowers in hope of getting pollinated to grow seeds for the next season, just like any plant flower and growing seeds

just flower in a weeks time and you will be fine


Active Member
High temps, poor light are usually the cause (besides the obvious, when you flip). But why lst if you don't want bushy?
I do want it bushy who doesn't? Just didn't want it this bushy expected more vertical growth, the lst is mostly for light penetration, I get rid of a lot of the sucker nodes that I think won't grow very well, especially at this point, want the plant to focus on what it has not new growth, I never remove the leaves tho unless necessary, just the node, like a learned with tomatoes.


Well-Known Member
I know it's a weird question, but I can't find any good info on it anywhere, I'm wondering how to make a really bushy plant stretch more? I have just put her into flower so I don't want anything that will slow her growth. And don't want to move the light because it's in optimum spot for all of them. I don't know why but my plants always come out soo bushy! It won't grow any other way.
if she's a clone and u want it to tall up like crazy cant see why u would but any who one raise the light as high as u can get also my dad does this i would never do it but works for him he just switches the light off for 4-7 days makes it tall out like crazy but do this at your own risk like i said i would never but hey i have seen how tall they get


Active Member
reveg doest work but takes a long time do you really want to flower the plants for 3 weeks reveg for 6 weeks and flower for 8 weeks just to pull a larger havest ?
Well at this point she is almost 3 and a half months old, if I did that from the beginning. 6 weeks of veg or whatever, then 3 weeks of flowering, cut some monster clones, reveg for another 6 weeks, have some decent sized monster cropped clones with it btw on same veg cycle, then flower again. She would be the same age as this one here, but with that stretch twice would be much bigger, still with tight internodes. Just an idea. Does that make sense? Another possible problem would be hermies I believe


Well-Known Member
I do want it bushy who doesn't? Just didn't want it this bushy expected more vertical growth, the lst is mostly for light penetration, I get rid of a lot of the sucker nodes that I think won't grow very well, especially at this point, want the plant to focus on what it has not new growth, I never remove the leaves tho unless necessary, just the node, like a learned with tomatoes.
your canbis plants are very similar to the way toms grow, nearly every year my wife goes mad because I end up with loads of plants, I alway remove the suckers and support train the branches, topped them as well alway go for the small cherry toms

also do the same with my weed, remove the lower streched stems off the main shoots, basic work in the same way
get a large root mass thin the plants out
or with toms remove the suckers
and give the plants bloom nutes so it grows lots of fruit and less leaves
give them support in late flower so it don't brake the shoots


Well-Known Member
Well at this point she is almost 3 and a half months old, if I did that from the beginning. 6 weeks of veg or whatever, then 3 weeks of flowering, cut some monster clones, reveg for another 6 weeks, have some decent sized monster cropped clones with it btw on same veg cycle, then flower again. She would be the same age as this one here, but with that stretch twice would be much bigger, still with tight internodes. Just an idea. Does that make sense? Another possible problem would be hermies I believe
your doing something very wrong or have a bad plant, 3.5 mouths, well you don't veg any plant for this amout of time never vegged a plant for more than 8 weeks and that was a large single plant under a 600w