my question is this: is there anyway to speed up their growth as fast as posible in order to flower as soon as posible.
Now then buddy, for the time youve got you have no chance of bud. to grow at college or whatever is crazy, youd HAVE to have a full setup (carbonfilter and extraction especially) which causes 2 problems. 1 is its all cost and 2 is ya got start cuttin holes in ya ceilings/walls in ya digs to run all your ducting. if however your willing to deal with these issues then auto lowryders would be perfect for you. 10 week turnaround from seed and only about 2 - 3 ft tall max. with the plant youve got now, you could use 24 hour veg light. ive done many times with great results and still am. got 19 under now (3 types). with flowering il tell you something ive managed to read about and that was that if you put lights on for say ten hours and lights off for ten hours then every 6 days your plants pass the equivalent of 7 days according to them as they work by light on/off (except autos). Have i explained that well enough? I havent ried this myself, not sure if im going to but its something i read so thought id pass the info on just as many did for me when i started out.