How to make second grow better then first


Well-Known Member
Hy all

My first grow is behind me and I did not do it well....I dont know why...maybe genetics, maybe nutrients or maybe I cut it too early...

/genetics of seed afghan kush special
/nutrients.....biotabs kit
/light ....... 4 diy 50w/70w cob s citizen 1212 .......I got such good light so I really dont understand

that is my first grow
the plant was healty all the time but at the end I kill some big fan leavs with strong vent....fuck
and I really had no choice to let it run because previus plant was top and have 2 fat top cola so I did not risk mold and let table fan run, but now I will buy small 5 w clip fan for my grow tent 80x80x160 cm

I also look and thinking about buying mykos and azos...
also looking for some Guanokalong powder ....

and what else to go organics for nutrients because biotabs did not do the job

the plant was at 25 l fabric pot/gronest pot
so for second grow I go with that but I will ad some perlite because in 1 grow the soil get very hard in the late flower...

I water the plant every to 2 days because the top of the soil did not feel wet...
maybe that is mistake...

the fan is 197 m3/h and he did solid ...but I was not able to lower the humidity in flower so I flower with 50% to 60% of humidity
maybe that is bad too

I did not ph the water and did not messure because biotabs sad so...
maybe mistake

Some time I use tap water , sometimes I let the water to be 24 h bottle
maybe bad

From start to finish flowering I always use 3 l water when I water

soo the flower I get is nothing smell very good, no rock hard ,no so much hash when I trimm , looks ok , but for now low potency...I put it in brown paper bag in vent with fan to estract on and now is going to jar...

I hope it will be better with time

So maybe genetics maybe biotabs maybe me and my bad choices but some things is not right...

so can you please recommend some nutrients and really good genetics that I can get in Europe..
I was thinking blue dream from humlodt seeds or og kush from pyramid or rqs

please help with nutrients and really good medicine that is potent and good smelling

and if you know where I did wrong


Active Member
You probably cut it down too early for one. Most nubs do. Secondly you should only have to water once every 3 or 4 days. You should get a good A and B nutes for veg and flower. And start with half dose. Less is more. You should have 2 small fans and good ventilation.


Well-Known Member
Water ph is very important. PH controls how well the plants utilizes the nutrients that you have available in the soil. I don't use tap water, I use RO and I aerate it. I use epsom salt in the water to add more cal/mag. Yes to mycos and yes to Azomite. Yes to Guanokalong powder while in flowering. I can't really recommend any nutrients, I am not sure what is available in Europe. I mix my own soil, found too many bugs in the store bought soil....Roots Organic, Happy Frog. I didn't like the Blue Dream from Humboldt Seed, I like the Pineapple Skunk and Mango Sapphire better.


Active Member
Water ph is very important. PH controls how well the plants utilizes the nutrients that you have available in the soil. I don't use tap water, I use RO and I aerate it. I use epsom salt in the water to add more cal/mag. Yes to mycos and yes to Azomite. Yes to Guanokalong powder while in flowering. I can't really recommend any nutrients, I am not sure what is available in Europe. I mix my own soil, found too many bugs in the store bought soil....Roots Organic, Happy Frog. I didn't like the Blue Dream from Humboldt Seed, I like the Pineapple Skunk and Mango Sapphire better.
Yaa... I had a problem with trips after using FF and so I use a seed starting mix with perlite and vermiculite and I will add some moisture control MG soul as well to keep micro life and ph balance good. I always bake my soil mix before using it. It will kill eggs and bugs. Havnt had any bugs since I started doing this.


Well-Known Member
Hy all

My first grow is behind me and I did not do it well....I dont know why...maybe genetics, maybe nutrients or maybe I cut it too early...

/genetics of seed afghan kush special
/nutrients.....biotabs kit
/light ....... 4 diy 50w/70w cob s citizen 1212 .......I got such good light so I really dont understand

that is my first grow
the plant was healty all the time but at the end I kill some big fan leavs with strong vent....fuck
and I really had no choice to let it run because previus plant was top and have 2 fat top cola so I did not risk mold and let table fan run, but now I will buy small 5 w clip fan for my grow tent 80x80x160 cm

I also look and thinking about buying mykos and azos...
also looking for some Guanokalong powder ....

and what else to go organics for nutrients because biotabs did not do the job

the plant was at 25 l fabric pot/gronest pot
so for second grow I go with that but I will ad some perlite because in 1 grow the soil get very hard in the late flower...

I water the plant every to 2 days because the top of the soil did not feel wet...
maybe that is mistake...

the fan is 197 m3/h and he did solid ...but I was not able to lower the humidity in flower so I flower with 50% to 60% of humidity
maybe that is bad too

I did not ph the water and did not messure because biotabs sad so...
maybe mistake

Some time I use tap water , sometimes I let the water to be 24 h bottle
maybe bad

From start to finish flowering I always use 3 l water when I water

soo the flower I get is nothing smell very good, no rock hard ,no so much hash when I trimm , looks ok , but for now low potency...I put it in brown paper bag in vent with fan to estract on and now is going to jar...

I hope it will be better with time

So maybe genetics maybe biotabs maybe me and my bad choices but some things is not right...

so can you please recommend some nutrients and really good genetics that I can get in Europe..
I was thinking blue dream from humlodt seeds or og kush from pyramid or rqs

please help with nutrients and really good medicine that is potent and good smelling

and if you know where I did wrong
You can eliminate genetics after reading this. Look closer to where you're standing for the problems.


Well-Known Member
Water ph is very important. PH controls how well the plants utilizes the nutrients that you have available in the soil. I don't use tap water, I use RO and I aerate it. I use epsom salt in the water to add more cal/mag. Yes to mycos and yes to Azomite. Yes to Guanokalong powder while in flowering. I can't really recommend any nutrients, I am not sure what is available in Europe. I mix my own soil, found too many bugs in the store bought soil....Roots Organic, Happy Frog. I didn't like the Blue Dream from Humboldt Seed, I like the Pineapple Skunk and Mango Sapphire better.

I did not adjust ph because I think with organics I dont need to do that is mistake...
so what is the best ph for organic grow

you say yes to mtkos and yes to azos...can you please tell me some more info on this pruduct...I know that mykos is mrcrhroriza but is azos some food for plant or just bacteria

if it not food...what else do I need to get good result...

what Guanokalong powder while in flowering is the best because I have option see weed,palm ashes, mix all,liquied botlle


Well-Known Member
Azomite, A to Z Of Minerals Including Trace Elements, micro nutrients for your plants. I buy it in a powder. Mykos I use when transplanting from my 16 ounce cups to one gallon smart pot. I water the plants right before transplanting so the Mykos sticks to the roots when I pour it on them.

In flower you want more Phosphorus in the Guanokalong powder, not as much Nitrogen. The Palm Tree Ash is Potash or K, that is good too. All of these products are good, you just need to follow the directions on the bottles. The soil mix looks good. Its has everything I put into my flowering super soil mix. Try it and start a thread on Guanokalong products.


Well-Known Member
Azomite, A to Z Of Minerals Including Trace Elements, micro nutrients for your plants. I buy it in a powder. Mykos I use when transplanting from my 16 ounce cups to one gallon smart pot. I water the plants right before transplanting so the Mykos sticks to the roots when I pour it on them.

In flower you want more Phosphorus in the Guanokalong powder, not as much Nitrogen. The Palm Tree Ash is Potash or K, that is good too. All of these products are good, you just need to follow the directions on the bottles. The soil mix looks good. Its has everything I put into my flowering super soil mix. Try it and start a thread on Guanokalong products.
so if I buy azos I dont need to buy azomite or


Well-Known Member
you said 3 l h20 all the way through every 2 days, soil with no perlite and 200W light and 25l pot which is 5 gal? I'm not weed genius but I'm think sure you over watered, especially early on and without perlite, and maybe even later on too. Best things you can do are the basics - plenty of light power, good genetics, basic nutes, soil and good watering practice. Pretty sure kush is basically kick ass genetics though you might not like it for some reason but everything now is kick ass genetically relative to back in the day. I grew some pretty good shit with crap pete and miracle grow soluton though I couldn't learn to not overwater. The key reason for any success I had was 1) I had POWWWWER and 2) genetics. 2) isnt your issue, and maybe you have the power which I don't know because I don't know led.