Interesting results Peter Parker. Honestly, i tried the alcohal method last weekend, because I didn't want to wait 2 months

, I followed the green dragon soda method exactly posted way back in this thread somewhere. Anyway, they're suggested dose was one dropper (not drop) to make you feel nice and two to put you in space, so i was excited. when it was done i almost immediatly did two droppers, waited and waited. I could feel a body high come on, but i was no where near space, it was hardly what I would call "nice" at least compared to smoking, and maybe thats my problem, is that i compare it to smoking, but I smoked about 3 hours after i took the drops, and woh, it was a simmilar effect to drinking alcohal (i was not drunk), and then smoking (super faded). Second night i did 3 droppers, same effect, third night i did 4.5, same effect, and the last night i did 9 or 10 (it finished the tincture) and woh, that put me pretty close to space. But it was weird, because my girlfriend took about 3 droppers the last night when i did 10, and she said she was scared cause it was too much. we both weight pretty close to the same, and we both smoke the same amount, so i couldn't figure out why it took me more than 3 times the amount it took her to feel the same. But it was cool, imma try it again this weekend.
So peter parker, i would suggest doubling your dosage everytime until you get what you want. Also I'm pretty sure they realized earlier on in this thread that you only get ulcers from NON-food grade glycerin.
Sorry for the long post.