*How To Make THC DROPS.


Sector 5 Moderator
Peter Parker I'm repping you man; you actually got off your ass and did this. Hey I've got a great idea, what about putting this stuff in a gel cap? :idea: :o :lol: This should be a sticky IMHO. I can't wait to try this myself. In fact, I'm going to do both the Everclear and the glycerin methods.


Well-Known Member
I tried the everclear one. but I did it about a year and a half ago, and It was to make hash, not a tinkture. and I didnt get much hash.
I really want to try this!!!!!!!!!!1


Well-Known Member
Wow. Nice work peter!!! how long are you into it now?(you might have said on your post,just to lazy to go back and look)

Are you going to test on the 1 month mark?
I would just to check how potent it is.

Again,nice work peter and I will keep you all posted.
Going to try to get suppys today. Have to drive my dad to the Doc.
Will try my best to get suppys today and if not they Will be gotten tomorrow : )


EDIT= nvm you said 4 days : ) its looking nice : )


Well-Known Member
went to trader joe's, GNC, the grocery store and even the head shop. nothn', no glycerin yet. i may have to order it online.


Well-Known Member
hmmmmm if it works for yall I will try it myself I prefer seeing it done through pics so I can see it working and know if I;m doing it right lol peter how much bud have you used in yours?


Well-Known Member
MAAANNNN!!!!!!1 I was going to go to traider joes to look for it tomoro! DAMN THAT TRADER!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I wont be making a journal for mine. I'll be posting my process on this post.

This subject should be made a Sticky.

I think everyone should know this : )

Well i got my suppies today, everything but my bud.

Will get my weed in like 2 days. : )

Will post pics of suppies up in a bit.



Well-Known Member
Sweet I was hoping I'd run into this again! I've never seen the recipe or how it was made, but I tried a few drops at Hempfest 2 years ago and it was POTENT! Definitely going to try this one out!


Well-Known Member
Image - TinyPic - Share The Experience!™ <-Which one,The glass or plastic?

Image - TinyPic - Share The Experience!™ <-I think the plastic should work,Or do you think that the plastic will have an affect on the process???

Image - TinyPic - Share The Experience!™ <-This is the USP Glycerin that i bought. After even more reseach i'm confident that it will work.

What do yall think??:peace: Glass or plastic??:-|

Will be getting bud in the next couple days. I'm going to do a 1/2 an Oz.:hump:
Then 1/2 a cup of the Gly.:hump:

Comments Are Welcome. :mrgreen:


Active Member
Sounds like the THC oils I get at the Pot Store but think they have honey in them and also flavors like cinnamon, cranrasberry, cherry. Sometimes I use 6-5 drops and if I'm out dancing 8-9 are great. It takes about 45 min to get into my system, and I get a kind of floaty feeling and when I step, the ground is a bit lower than I think, but it's great when I'm out and about. It would be awesome if this was even better! Hope someone does the proof test! I'm only on my first flowering so no stash.


Well-Known Member
glass....I don't really think the plastic would necessarily leach, but why take the chance. glass....glass....good luck man....I'm excited for you too!


Active Member
Hello all. I have been following this thread, and it inspired me to finally post. I would use a cobalt or brown glass jar for this in order to keep the THC from decaying. It doesn't like the light you know.

If the results look good for this, I plan on attaching a jar (painted black) of the mix to my bike wheel seeing as I ride about 5 miles a day. It seems like that will be sufficient shakige for a month or two.


Sector 5 Moderator
A "jar" you say??? LMAO, I hope you don't plan on sucking that down until the return trip!!! ;-) Welcome to the forum Microbus!!


Active Member
I just picked up some glycerin from Safeway. The pharmacy sells it for about $7. I think I am going to try my trial run with a small container, like an inkwell size jar.