how to make uber healthy thc extract?


Well-Known Member
making brownies or cookies is too much sugar for me. How can i consume thc as a liquid with anything other than butter. Can i use water then make tea? I've heard of people making super healthy tea without caffeine.

Any input would be greatly apreciated.


Well-Known Member
i've never tried it but a tincture is supposed to be pretty good. yes it is alchohol, but you'd only need a droplet at a time. which is essentially sugar too, but a quick shot without the added fiber and butter and other stuff you find in cookies/brownies


Well-Known Member
how can i make the most Healthiest extraction. I want to make green organic tea wihout caffeiene, sugr, or nasty chemicals in the marijuana itself. How do i properly extract the thc without any of the other unwanted chemicals in the weed.