How to make your plant turn purple?


Well-Known Member
Hi, i got a question.. how do you make a plant turn purple with out it being a purple strain? One method i have heard of is when the buds are almost done you gotta stick nails into the stalk in many places and it stresses the plant and makes it change colors? Does this sound familiar or has anybody done this? Is there any other method? Please reply. Thank you :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
dude, i consider sticking nails in the plant murder, to stress it that close to the final development of the trichomes is well..........not a good idea seing as there what get you stoned.....

the only viable method i've ever heard is to drop the temperature around the area the plant is growing in to 1-5 deg C for a night. i've only ever droped to 3 deg C and it worked great, makesure you dont go below 1 deg C or the plants will die......probably, i have seen them last through some crazy shit.


Active Member
it matters only if ur an inexperienced smoker who overvalues the color purple. I believe a specific micronute deficiency will make ur shit turn purple.. not sure what tho. Unless you plan on selling ur bud to high school kids, you should keep it green and impart no unecessary stress. the nails sound like a bad idea.


Well-Known Member
yea, green is the way to go unless your guna be sellin to highschool kids........seriously. in most cases it actually decreases potency, it just looks cool to newbies. unnecessary stress is allways a bad thing.


Well-Known Member
Hi, i got a question.. how do you make a plant turn purple with out it being a purple strain? One method i have heard of is when the buds are almost done you gotta stick nails into the stalk in many places and it stresses the plant and makes it change colors? Does this sound familiar or has anybody done this? Is there any other method? Please reply. Thank you :joint::peace:
I was told today that if you are growing it outdoors to leave it out for the first frost and it would change it purple, but not sure.


Well-Known Member
Lots of strains turn purple if cold enough, but the color of the bud is usually not effected unless its a true purple or another colored strain.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I don't understand the fascination with purple bud. I'm just going to wrap it up and set fire to it anyway, who the hell cares what color it is?


Well-Known Member
my buddies dad grows nebula indoors and does the naail procedure to half his plants so he gets half green buds and half purple. Ive smoked both and they both get you higher than a kite. The purple looked almost like a deep purple not bright. I think it just makes it look alot koooler doesnt change potency. more about looks than anything. Kind of more exotic


Active Member
My dumbass homie told me, "You should get those color drops and dye your weed."....

I thought it was all about genetics, or a slight deficiency before harvest.


Well-Known Member
im sorry the technique i first said is wrong i misunderstood. You have to take rusty nails and stick them in the soil NOT the stem the last week or so


Well-Known Member
i have a question.. lets say you have a fairly decent size plant 5-8 ft and its in its budding state very resinous dank and potent looking and only one place do you find by chance a male pollen sac. will this produce a few good seeds or does it mean hermie seeds. just one pollen sac not the half bud half sacs ordeal...


Active Member
i heard of a product that makes your plant purple. they sell it in hydro stores. you could just clip a cola(with stem) and dye it i think


Well-Known Member
Hi, i got a question.. how do you make a plant turn purple with out it being a purple strain? One method i have heard of is when the buds are almost done you gotta stick nails into the stalk in many places and it stresses the plant and makes it change colors? Does this sound familiar or has anybody done this? Is there any other method? Please reply. Thank you :joint::peace:
What are you on GLUE ... simple answer .. No you cant ..

fat sam

Well-Known Member
if you cut off a whole branch and put it in the fridge over night it will pull the potasium out of the stem and make it turn purple, a lot of strains will purple up a bit once they get over ripe but all this is at the expense of potency and taste