How to move light period times?


Hi all, Anyone know the best way to move the timings of the lights.
I have only been on 12/12 for 5 days and i want to swap my on and off times around..

Can i just leave them dark or lights on for 24 hours or is this going to cause problems..??


Mr Bomb

Active Member
Hi all, Anyone know the best way to move the timings of the lights.
I have only been on 12/12 for 5 days and i want to swap my on and off times around..

Can i just leave them dark or lights on for 24 hours or is this going to cause problems..??

Just skip a light cycle and stay dark for longer. After the lights have been off for at least 12 hours switch them back on at your desired time for sunrise. Make this is your only adjustment and be careful not to remain dark for less than 12 hours or you could stress your plants.


So i can leave them off for 24 hours and then just start the usual cycle ??

Thanks for the advice.. Its my first ever grow so i know i will make loads of mistakes but i dont want to bugger it up too much.



So i can leave them off for 24 hours and then just start the usual cycle ??

Thanks for the advice.. Its my first ever grow so i know i will make loads of mistakes but i dont want to bugger it up too much.


Are you trying to find the sex of your plants?


Time will tell what sex, It's because I have my light on at 6p.m and off at 6a.m cos i was thinking about £ and less draw at night so no noticable peaks in electric......But i just got a new fan and its quite a bit noisier than the last so i want to swap the light times around cos there is more ambient noise in the day to cover it from neigbours and my room is only 1 wall away from next door (thick wall but still only 1)

So will leave off for 24 hours and have sunrise at 6a.m

Mr Bomb

Active Member
Better to move it an hour a day until you're there.
Agreed, skipping might stress them, if you do it gradually, either half an hour or an hour a day, the plants wont even notice.
Respectfully, I have to disagree. The added dark period will not stress your plants at all and most will even argue that it will cause your plants to begin flowering more rapidly. While it is also true that a half hour or so of an adjustment per day will not stress your plants why make it take so long when it is by no means necessary.

Besides if your changing your light cycle due to noise issues I would imagine that it it fairly important to get it done as soon as possible. Changing your cycle by one hour a day will take 12 days to be into your desired cycle time and 24 days if you change by a half hour daily. Sounds pretty rediculous to me.:wall:


So if i do it in one go is there ANY risk turning them hermie??...... That is obviously the last thing i want to do as its my first grow and would like some sensi out of the girls..

If there is any risk at all then i will just have to bite the bullet and take days and days to change the light...!!!



Well-Known Member
not with one adjustment to your schedule...i think hermies come from repeated stress? or continual stress? either way, you should be fine.


Well-Known Member
you wont get them so stressed that they turn hermie from that one light change, i changed my lights by just leaving it in the dark for the. extra time and setting it to how i wanted it, and no problems there.


I would agree that it wont happen from just one light change, but I always worry that combined with other stress factors (eg pump goes off, too much heat, nute problems) that might pop up, that there is always the chance it will be that one little thing which can stress the plants too much.


New Member
I think it will affect the plants more to have 12 hr light then 24 hr dark before 12 hr light than if you do 12 hr dark 24 hr light 12 hr dark because the length of the light period doesn't matter as much as the dark period, which is when the plant produces the chemical hormones which drive its maturation. so do a longer day, or the girls will stretch up extra tall after such a dark period.

extra light period will not cause a hermie, unless reveg lengths, and even then unlikely. you might have to water an extra time or something though. the only way extra light hurts the flowering is if it is during the dark period when the plant's system is hard at work getting ready to flower more.


Well-Known Member
I think it will affect the plants more to have 12 hr light then 24 hr dark before 12 hr light than if you do 12 hr dark 24 hr light 12 hr dark because the length of the light period doesn't matter as much as the dark period, which is when the plant produces the chemical hormones which drive its maturation. so do a longer day, or the girls will stretch up extra tall after such a dark period.

extra light period will not cause a hermie, unless reveg lengths, and even then unlikely. you might have to water an extra time or something though. the only way extra light hurts the flowering is if it is during the dark period when the plant's system is hard at work getting ready to flower more.

i agree with debo... u just got knocked the f*** out man!!

i say change it over slowly.. but there are other things you should consider... IE; if u live in cold climate like me, you want to have it ON at night off durin day, because temps drop lower at night, right now i have problems keepin my room at +55F during lights out, i need a heater but im too cheap at the moment.. since im less than a week from harvest, who cares!.. but yeah, switch it hourly if you ask me.. remember, your plants need at least 12hr darkness.. so all you gotta do is leave the timer the same, and just come in 1hr earlier and roll it over till lights turn off.. heck you could even do 2hrs a day if u wanted, and youll be on whatever schedule u want in 6 dyas