How to multiply my auto-flowering plants?

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
I'm a first time grower growing under a roof-window in the attic, therefore i can't use light cycles as such, only the natural one, that's why i use auto flowering. Also this is my first grow so i used cheapo seeds from nirvana which was a good idea because i already lost 1 out of 3 plants to fungus that ate its way through the stem :cry:.

also I'll probably be moving country in a year so getting lights a room and all the rest along with proper genetics would be a waste (not to mention I'd need a loan from the bank :P), so the roof window in the unused attic with cheapo seeds it is. also were i live there is no such thing as good quality weed everything is contaminated and gives you mouth ulcers so anything is better then what I'd get on the street.
Hey Hobo, sorry to hear about the garbage smoke on the street problem. If you are going to be in a country setting soon, and could do an out door grow, you will be much happier with the result. Tending your girls outdoors, under the sun is almost a "religious" experience, LOL.
No matter what kind of grow one has going on, tend it careful, nurture it, LOVE it! Most of all, learn something from every girl you deal with. The more you know, the better your grow. Wishing you go luck & good grow.......BB


Well-Known Member
When I get a seed or two from one of my plants ( I only buy award winning strains/ fem seeds) I thank the plant and hold tight the seed. Always grow female, never a herm.
Hi G, when in GHS Coffeeshop i got a bag of their Alaskan Ice and out the 2 g"s i found a seed. Its in good Nick, So is that a Fe-male seed worth growing?

hobo jack

Hey Hobo, sorry to hear about the garbage smoke on the street problem. If you are going to be in a country setting soon, and could do an out door grow, you will be much happier with the result. Tending your girls outdoors, under the sun is almost a "religious" experience, LOL.
No matter what kind of grow one has going on, tend it careful, nurture it, LOVE it! Most of all, learn something from every girl you deal with. The more you know, the better your grow. Wishing you go luck & good grow.......BB
with moving country I'm talking about moving to a different country (to germany) not into the "country-side" when I'm in germany i won't need to grow because i have the neatherlands close by :) I live in the country-side at the moment but it doesn't have the right climate for outside unless maybe if i do a low-rider or somthing.

hobo jack

look up rodelization
imo, this is the easiest way to get male parts
I read this many times but when i tryed to double check certain infos on these forums I always get different answers (feminized hermi plants pollinating females produce fem seeds v.s. hermie plants produce hermies full stop, plants hermie if unharvested v.s. plants don't always hermie if unharvested)

but i think I'll just follow the guide and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Yes that is a fine score. Grow her up and harvest bud. Once in a great harvest I may be blessed with 1-2 seeds on a plant, and I always thank the lady and hold tight the seed. I have grew out a few, always get females, always great growth till harvest.
Hi G, when in GHS Coffeeshop i got a bag of their Alaskan Ice and out the 2 g"s i found a seed. Its in good Nick, So is that a Fe-male seed worth growing?


Well-Known Member
So you would argue that Soma's method for creating feminized seeds is incorrect, or Jorge Cervantes' methods?
unless you want hermies, yes. i do NOT agree with making hermy seeds and i'm not here to argue about it. i know better and kill any and all hermies i come across. someday you will too. ;)

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
unless you want hermies, yes. i do NOT agree with making hermy seeds and i'm not here to argue about it. i know better and kill any and all hermies i come across. someday you will too. ;)
Would you mind giving YOUR definition of "hermy seeds"?


Well-Known Member
You gotta love the growers who go against the flow of time and Knowledge. I use to spin my wheels on growers who argued with "books" and then decided they where not worth the time. If a grower can not understand several "books" by great growers then who are we to set them straight?
unless you want hermies, yes. i do NOT agree with making hermy seeds and i'm not here to argue about it. i know better and kill any and all hermies i come across. someday you will too. ;)


Well-Known Member
You gotta love the growers who go against the flow of time and Knowledge. I use to spin my wheels on growers who argued with "books" and then decided they where not worth the time. If a grower can not understand several "books" by great growers then who are we to set them straight?
anyone can write a book.

i find it amazing that after all these years, suddenly everyone WANTS hermies.

to get feminized seeds you need STABLE genetics. these are plants that will NOT hermy even under the most extreme conditions. if you can find a plant that WON'T hermy no matter what you do to it, you have found a stably genetic female. now you can use some colloidal silver and spray it on this STABLE plant. the chemical will cause male flowers to form. if you collect this pollen it will, by theory, be feminized. you can then use this on another STABLE female and you should get feminized seeds.

using rampant hermies to try to get feminized seeds will only come back to bite you during week 6 of flowering, when male pods start popping out everywhere and ruin a 4000 watt grow. you might get lucky and not see hemries. but the odds are in favor of bad genetics, when you start with bad genetics.

hermy plants make hermy seeds which make hermy plants.

same as it's ever been.


and 48,000+ posts IS a book. :cool:


Well-Known Member
All righty then, Garbage YOU say, Garbage I will call them, after all, you DO rule the Universe!
they could be fine. they could hermy all to hell as well. i'm not insisting either or. it's a risk you take that you need not take if you simply work with stable genetics.

why would you come off at me with an attitude when i am simply sharing knowledge? i don't get it.

and those plants are barely, if at all, flowering. wait until week 6 of flowering when your buds fill with seeds, then get back to me. ;)


Well-Known Member
True , anyone can write a book, but Soma and Jorge are not just anybody. And the books they have written are published around the world.
anyone can write a book.

i find it amazing that after all these years, suddenly everyone WANTS hermies. should get feminized seeds.

hermy plants make hermy seeds which make hermy plants. <~~~ That is contradictory to all the books that are published around the world

same as it's ever been.


and 48,000+ posts IS a book. :cool: < ~~~~~ Or someone with a limited life.


Well-Known Member
anyone can write a book.

i find it amazing that after all these years, suddenly everyone WANTS hermies.

to get feminized seeds you need STABLE genetics. these are plants that will NOT hermy even under the most extreme conditions. if you can find a plant that WON'T hermy no matter what you do to it, you have found a stably genetic female. now you can use some colloidal silver and spray it on this STABLE plant. the chemical will cause male flowers to form. if you collect this pollen it will, by theory, be feminized. you can then use this on another STABLE female and you should get feminized seeds.

using rampant hermies to try to get feminized seeds will only come back to bite you during week 6 of flowering, when male pods start popping out everywhere and ruin a 4000 watt grow. you might get lucky and not see hemries. but the odds are in favor of bad genetics, when you start with bad genetics.

hermy plants make hermy seeds which make hermy plants.

same as it's ever been.


and 48,000+ posts IS a book. :cool:
This is not Knowledge you are sharing, this is your personal opinion. Knowledge can be found in books that are published world wide with merit.

i'm here to help. you seem to be here to prove something.


Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
i'm here to help. you seem to be here to prove something.

Damn.... "The Ruler of the the Universe" has left the building, and I was hoping to get some advise on what to do with my "Garbage" babies. On a more serious note, I will be posting to my journal, the ongoing saga of my "dubious" ladies into flowering and harvest. IF, any "banana's" show up, I WILL make a VERY public mea culpa.
One thing I've learned in 71 years is, If I am wrong, admit it, get over it, and move on, hopefully, more enlightened. This whole little dust-up reminds me of something I remember my Granddad saying: "You can lead a jerk to knowledge, but you can't make him think!" Apply where appropriate. Good luck & good grow.......BB
Garbage clones below >>>>



Active Member
I can dig it, And yes fdd is correct about the silver collide and using a stable female but as he stated if you use a hermi it is possible they will be hermi or not. Just use a stable girl that wont hermi and then force her to make male flowers with a chemical compound called silver collide. It is smart, effective and the chances of hermis in the offspirng will be next to nothing. But I aswell have used hermis in breeding projects but after it was all said and done I still started getting hermied clones off my mother plant of 2 years. I think hermis can pop up at the worst times and especially after you did all the hard work in breeding is when they like to show up.

STABLE GENETICS AND SILVER COLLIDAL! Or get a good male and a good female say fuck fem seeds, thats my point of view.


Well-Known Member
Your point of view is the same worth as any grower.
I can dig it, And yes fdd is correct about the silver collide and using a stable female but as he stated if you use a hermi it is possible they will be hermi or not. Just use a stable girl that wont hermi and then force her to make male flowers with a chemical compound called silver collide. It is smart, effective and the chances of hermis in the offspirng will be next to nothing. But I aswell have used hermis in breeding projects but after it was all said and done I still started getting hermied clones off my mother plant of 2 years. I think hermis can pop up at the worst times and especially after you did all the hard work in breeding is when they like to show up.

STABLE GENETICS AND SILVER COLLIDAL! Or get a good male and a good female say fuck fem seeds, thats my point of view.