how to open a dispensary

Let the shit go guys....
Why? I do not get the dispensary hate around here. No other industry since the 1500's operates on simple barter, it's stupid to think this would. You got meijer for produce if you like the farmer's markets model and you got CVS if you liken it to meds. Competition drives a market and if you love to do something in America you're suposed to be able to chase that dream and do what you love and use that skill and knowledge to feed you and yours. Guess some people are going to live under their rock and hide like criminals even if they aren't. Some people genuinely like to pay a hefty price for a store front, a bud tender to answer questions and to not have to wade thru poo poo meds at flea...I mean farmer's markets to find a good strain well grown. They want someone of discerning tastes to narrow it for them for a fee and make it easy on the consumer. to each his own; hate comes from insecurity.
It's a sick and hateful thing any way you slice it. If you're into hating others I guess that's what you do. It cheapens the forum, IMHO.
kalamazoo just passed prop 7 so that means 2 more dispensaries can open up. the quicker they open up the better. good luck.
Opening a dispensary is like asking to be ass raped by the cops. No matter what you will get the mushroom in there....might be gentle or it may be a good old pounding. Either way you're gonna be jail sexed.
Opening a dispensary is like asking to be ass raped by the cops. No matter what you will get the mushroom in there....might be gentle or it may be a good old pounding. Either way you're gonna be jail sexed.

Not if you're not breaking any criminal laws...I been in business for 4 years and helped hundreds of good people start and operate...we're not getting jail sexed.