How to open a shop


So I've got this idea along with a team of people that are dedicated to openening our own retail marijuana shop in Colorado or somewhere with similar laws. My question is what needs to be done to have a legitimate business and be on the legal side. Also what needs to be done to be a legal grower/supplier to a shop. I know that for either certain tax id's and things but I really would like to be more informed on anything and everything all the things needed. thank you to all.:leaf:
So far I know I will need:
1. Money
2. A place that is no less than 1000 feet from a public children facility.
. grow rooms must be inclosed and secured if indoors.
3.Get either an LLC or a DBA
4. A marijuana producers License.
5. General liability insurance
6. All security requirements. (survailence, locking doors, Id badges, etc)
7. Organized books of sales and grows
Is there any elaborate info that anyone knows or any other things I need to keep in mind when looking to open?

Also, What is the best way to find a location in colorado or cali since I dont live there


Well-Known Member
As a retired paralegal my suggestion to you is to first view the state statutes re the legalazation of marijuana, then review the city ordinances regarding operating any kind of retail business. Those two sources which can be found on the internet are your best sources of information. If you want to become an entrepernaur don't expect to have someone else lay the ground work and do the research for you. Good luck.


As a retired paralegal my suggestion to you is to first view the state statutes re the legalazation of marijuana, then review the city ordinances regarding operating any kind of retail business. Those two sources which can be found on the internet are your best sources of information. If you want to become an entrepernaur don't expect to have someone else lay the ground work and do the research for you. Good luck.
I previously read the I-502 bill that was passed for Washing just trying to educate myself on every aspect of the business. Also I read about the ordinances reguarding opening a pot shop that it must be 1000 yards for any public under age area. I would love to find out all of the info and do things all myself I just dk what all needs to happen.