How To Optimize CBD Oil Effects - 3 Keys To Success


Well-Known Member
I hope so. Just eating cookies with cannabutter made from shake (with a sprinkle of acorn buds) is really helping push back my chronic fatigue. It still need to smoke to quell the muscle spasms, but I am confident the CO will take care of that just fine.


Well-Known Member
That is what stood out for me in this article. Hematopoietic cells are the stem cells that give rise to all the other blood cells through the process of haematopoiesis. When I finally get a chance to make my own Cannabis Oil I hope to challenge MS by using it to fix my immune system, somehow. Yeah, I know it is a Hail Mary.
I know everyone is different in how MS effects them, but its certainly worked for me. Ive been off ALL MS related drugs since Nov 2011. Knock on wood, notba single issue has presented itself thus far. Coming up on my 10 year diagnosis in March


Well-Known Member
I hope so. Just eating cookies with cannabutter made from shake (with a sprinkle of acorn buds) is really helping push back my chronic fatigue. It still need to smoke to quell the muscle spasms, but I am confident the CO will take care of that just fine.
Don't forget to write a journal of what your doing as I'm sure more needs to be done with MS.... fight the good fight


Well-Known Member
I know everyone is different in how MS effects them, but its certainly worked for me. Ive been off ALL MS related drugs since Nov 2011. Knock on wood, notba single issue has presented itself thus far. Coming up on my 10 year diagnosis in March
Thanks for sharing that, I hope it continues to work well for you. I chose a different route. I did research on interferon and realized I was not interested at all, so I declined. I am primarily using a high dose of Vitamin D oil and magnesium, in combination with cannabis. Now it has been a few months and I feel like I am in the best remission ever. When the chronic fatigue is overwhelming I take Percocet, not for pain, it relieves my fatigue immensely. That one has the doc and most everyone else perplexed. Baclofen has proven effective when the spasticity is out of control.


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if your putting down tons of vit d orally you might want to think about a injection as it may absorb in your body more.... I think the reasoning is your body can only intake so much through the food system....although your piss and shit might be loaded


Well-Known Member
The efficacy of Vitamin D oil for treatment is complicated. I read something about the Vitamin D that does not get absorbed causes a cascade of other chemistry that has a beneficial effect. A Brazilian doctor did clinical trials with Vitamin D for people who could not endure taking Interferon. He had people up to 140,000 IU's a day with great success. All research indicates it is unwise to go beyond 20,000 IU a day so that is where I topped out. Twenty drops in a bit of water is not so hard to manage.