How to order seeds for all US growers

are you fucking retarded or are you just slow? Do you think I just set off a red fucking alert to the feds that there is now a smell proof bag out on the market? You're stupid as shit. I don't think its a big discovery that sealing off your packages will limit the possablility of confiscation. But I guess you now know that txhomegrown and so do the feds.Now they are on to us you fucking idiot.

Hahaha! That's the best reply I've seen in a while. Rock on TX!!

Mane.. having seeds, equipment, whatever shipped to a friends house without prior knowledge (or even with permission) is just fucking wrong. Why would anyone put a so-called friend in jeopardy just because they aren't brave enough to bare the responsibility themselves? Does this 'friend' live with parents? Probably.
Are the parents aware of what is transpiring? Probably not. Even if there are no parents in the picture there might be a wife/GF, a roommate, a renter with a suspicious landlord, a nosy neighbor....
So, in the event that this 'friend' of yours gets popped by (insert authority figure here), do you trust him not to flip on you? Are you going to man up and take the heat yourself if something does happen?

Now the odds are probably slim that anything WOULD happen with these shipments. But ya still gotta explore every single possible avenue of what COULD go wrong, and what you'll do if it does. Why do you think Murphy invented those laws?

It just really irks me to see people like you say "Oh yeah, just ship to a friends house and you'll be good to go!"
Ultimately that's poor advice. Especially when newbs come on here, read that and think they're in the clear.
Just my .02...BRO. :blsmoke:

I ask my bra always but grow supplies isnt illegal kno that.
but if your friend lets u.
I would never just send suthing without my friends consent.
When i said send to a friends house i meant ask first.
No I'm grown and only hang with grown pple.
i understand where you are coming from tho good look on the advice. My bra would say he knows noone of that name and tll them to take dey ass on.
I think it is totally un-cool to send something illegal to a friends house with out them knowing, when you would not even send it to yourself.

Who said my boy didnt kno.
It just came out that way.
I shouldn't had said it like that tho. My bad i did fuck up on dat one.
Ite people have really been posting on how can I order seeds without giving out info.

Well I'ma tell you one of the best ways to keep your name out someone's database etc!

First get a American Express Prepaid (theres are others but i dont know the names right now) gift debit card.
They start at like 50 bucks.
They have no names on them so you can use name you like.
Theres no billing address. So you can send it anywhere.

Find your seedbank if you dont already have one. Put in ya name of choice and address(please not your own a friends will do fine).

Sit back and wait.

Here's some great seeds banks for people who dont know cause i see that alot too.

These seedbanks ship out the next day none of that waiting shit!
Attitude seeds (usually there in a week) (like a week also)
ministry of cannabis (like a week also)

Theres nirvana but they got hacked and theres a wait period if you dont order on the right day (only ship out on Tuesdays and Thursdays). I still got love for them tho but they got lower on my list.

Hopes this helps alot of pple out.

Holy Christ! 845 posts in 12 days?!?!?!
okay bra im on da phone i just dont sit at da cpu n type. Most of it is cause pple talk shit and i respond
okay bra im on da phone i just dont sit at da cpu n type. Most of it is cause pple talk shit and i respond

You're a nice enough guy Mane, positive when others are positive, and you genuinely seem to want to help others. I just think it's better if you concentrate on quality instead of quantity.
You're a nice enough guy Mane, positive when others are positive, and you genuinely seem to want to help others. I just think it's better if you concentrate on quality instead of quantity.

I just get worked up easy n pop off when someone does the same goo look tho.
When u gonna update ya grow i been following it.
Just did last night. Smoked some of that plant; fucking amazing for some random seed out of a bag of crappy mexi-weed.
Thats fucked up you're trying to call me out on some bullshit. I'll put your head in a vice grip and twist it around and around until you realize that I'm just helping people out here. attitude came through big time for me and then all of the sudden it is you hating on me from out of nowhere. I'm just trying to give people the facts so they can come up with the best decision possible. If the green eyed monster has you jealous of my femanized G13 cup winner than thats just too bad you fake ass kid rock looking piece of shit I'd kick your ass for trying to call me out on some shit like that.
first i have to say the chicks hot lol ! dont bother with the New yorker as usual they are loud and rude with poor speach,i was reading what you had to say,your on the money,if you dont think the feds havent done and tried everything for profit of some kind dont fool yourself,they know everything thats going on lol like usual they make there money locking you up but if you read how much it takes for the feds to pay attension its way more than anything i would think of,they actually have rules unlike each state who makes up the law from hour to hour,right for seed im done with all the banks,i made my own,i live in a tropical area and had to creat something that is resistant to the elements here,all i play with are indicas.peace
The best seedbank to me right now that has my kind of genetics is greenhouse.
I get their seeds through the attitude now.

Overall I think Sensi Seeds got da best but too expensive.
This is great news, I been wanting to order from a site, but was afraid of the federal charges that may come with the seeds.. Will have to do this.. let's just say though, that you do this and still get caught.. any good excuses I can borrow to maybe save my ass??
Thanks only here to help.
If u order only ten seeds aint nobody gonna come to ya house.

See now 200seeds u might get a visit
just find like 2 real good strains u wanna grow n buy them clone make seeds n neva buy again or at least fo a while.
But if u need an excuse just say u know nuthin of this.
If u gonna send to ya house use a diff name.
lmfao.. honestly.. sounds reasonable enough to me.. Think i'll give it a try.. I really want some of that purple haze and hollands hope
i did some federal time i know what im talking about,they dont care about seeds,they want bulk product,what they really like is bulk product crossing state lines hense the word federal,and they dont watch you,they come right to your house in nice three piece suits and politely lock you up.federal guide lines are nothing new,do a search and look at quantity and time to be served,federal charges are the same in Ny or Fl or anywhere in the united states,before i cranked up a huge grow room i would concider the penalties,Been there done it all,got the Tshirt,not worth it,one plant in Fl gets you one year state time ! dont play unless you know what doing time is like,be nice to see all these kids go back to school and get jobs and educations.
i did some federal time i know what im talking about,they dont care about seeds,they want bulk product,what they really like is bulk product crossing state lines hense the word federal,and they dont watch you,they come right to your house in nice three piece suits and politely lock you up.federal guide lines are nothing new,do a search and look at quantity and time to be served,federal charges are the same in Ny or Fl or anywhere in the united states,before i cranked up a huge grow room i would concider the penalties,Been there done it all,got the Tshirt,not worth it,one plant in Fl gets you one year state time ! dont play unless you know what doing time is like,be nice to see all these kids go back to school and get jobs and educations.

wat does stay out mean? Stay out. Sorry u did time in da box but dats not because u ordered seeds
Kids ima grown ass man.
Y u wanna continue this bra?