how to order seeds online?


i want to order seeds online,but i hear that pre paid cards dint work over seas unless u enable it with the issuer with valid info,this site is sapose to be in the usa

has anyone ever ordered from them?are they a scam?
is there a legit site in the usa to get seeds from?

also what would be the best way to order online from over seas with out giving much personal info?maybe a gift card?


Well-Known Member
I have ordered recently from The Single Seed Centre, Nirvana, and Sannies seeds and I sent cash to all of them as they don't take credit cards and my bank wanted $45 to do a $60 transfer. My orders from TSSC and Nirvana have shipped but no word from Sannies and that was sent on 11/6. :) I am also going to place an order with Attitude as soon as the Barneys Farm Grape Ape is available and last time I used them they took my card, no problems. Good Luck


can you give me a link to the nirvana site?i googled it but there a few diff nirvana sites for seeds.idk wich one is the real one lol


Active Member
Google "Single Seed Centre" . I have never had a package stopped, and the longest one took was 2 weeks. 2 free seeds, usually one auto and one photoperiod seeds, if you spend enough money. You don't have to spend much, I think its around 20$. Do you have a pretty successful germination rate? If not I would buy more than 1 seed. I usually buy a couple extra just to save and just in case one doesn't germinate.