how to pass a drug test in 9 days?


Well-Known Member
sorry i actually didnt read your post, i guess if the gel contains the things you need that the test looks for that normally get flushed and the gatorade takes care of the color, then i guess it should work, because it clearly did for you. Oh yea i said inside of thigh not underwear, that all close as it gets to my wang!:mrgreen:
no worries, just tring to help a brotha out. Yeah, no body like anything on there dick. Lol


Active Member
I haven't tried this but it looks real legit, and im thinking about getting it. It even comes with a test strip to test yourself. It starts working in 1 hour and lasts like 5.


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to bother reading through all these posts, there are a lot of suggestions to exercise it off, and to use detoxify products.

I KNOW for a fact, I used to be a detoxify representative, that the detox products will NOT work if you go through a meditox report, what the state, county, and feds use.

It won't show up positive, but you WILL get an inconclusive report as a result, meaning, you won't get double your money back, plus you essentially got strike one, and will either not get the job, or have to go through another screening.

DEFINATELY go with the synthetic urine if there is any question that you may fail. Quick Fixx costs 40 bucks for a little squeeze bottle, you can put it in your underwear.

I used it twice at my current job, I work for the county.

Don't listen to people who want you to drink crap and use your own pee, it doesn't work.


Well-Known Member
Again, I USED TO WORK FOR DETOXIFY, the only good product they have is the shampoo, but even that can show up inconclusive.

The double money back guarantee doesn't qualify for an inconclusive report.

Even if you follow the directions to a tee.

I hope I made myself clear. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
First off if you know you have a drug test coming up, I would definetly do all that was suggested as far as working out, doesn't have to be anything extreme, just getting out walking on a sunny day would begin to do the trick. Also the sleep, detox drinks, and all the other shit said won't hurt neither, atleast you know what your up against. The most important thing is to drink plenty of water, we should normally be taking in about an average of 130 - 180oz a day but the average joe would probably only drink about 28-50oz of pure water every other day, maybe. Not including all the synthetic drinks we do take in which only cause for more H20 to neutralize it. If you got time do it all and drink plenty water, if random on the spot or in the next few hours of notice down you a liter and follow it up with continuous drinking until you test.

Another trick which is very simple maybe I should've suggested this first is to simply say you are taking meds for the flu over the past mos. There is always this little check box stating have you took meds in the past week. For almost every illegal drug besides barbiturates there is an OTC that will test positive. Here are some of cannaboids metabolic cross reactive cousins (ibuprofen, advil, nuprin, motrin, mydol). The all give the same trace elements that would result in a positive test so stating that you have been on any of these pretty heavy for the recent month or couple of weeks would serve you some justice as well.

sounds like mrhoward has some pretty good advice for you too, good luck


Well-Known Member
;) thanks.

With the synthetic you don't need any exercise, but it wouldn't hurt anyone to get out and be active.

Also, I was stoned at my screening, which was a plus ;)

Funny there's a detoxlabs banner under my post, that shit doesn't work.


Well-Known Member
the synthetic urine works for me everytime, I work in high finance so we are tested randomly and regularly, I swear by the stuff, get a hand warmer to keep it warm dump it in the cup and you are done............


Well-Known Member
THC is lipid (fat) soluble. If you put your body into a catabolic (starving) state instead of anabolic (building mass) you may be able to stimulate your body to liberate stored THC as it utilizes stored fat for energy. If it were me I would do lots of high intensity aerobic exercise, drink as much H2O as I can stand, and eat as little as possible. Morning of the test be sure to urinate as many times as possible beforehand and drink water until you can't anymore (dilution). Next time a better idea might be to avoid this type of dilemma...


Well-Known Member
Seriously, all this effort is unnecessary unless your PO is holding your dick.

On the day of the test, smoke a fat joint and pour the fake pee into the cup, easy as that. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I agree with mr howard!

Uless u have sum faget(no offence) lookn at ur dick then i wood use the fake piss. But in my case where u have a homo lookn at ya use the gell


Well-Known Member
I know the last post was 2 yrs ago sure fire way to pass a drugtest with your piss is super q tabs from gnc you have to be 6 days clean take them 2 hrs before you go they give you a five hour window to piss clean
for those of you who don't know now you do


Active Member
i drank over 20 gallons of water in 36 hours and passed a drug test after smokin everyday for years...!

the water dilutes the toxins in ur system to a point where they are undectable....after you quit drinking water for a day or so the toxins will build back up and you will piss dirty again.!