How To Pass A Drug Test?


Well-Known Member
lofl, that's crazy, you don't know a single person with clean pss? actually, i would have no one to ask either. i only know 2 people and they smoke LOL> that blows. i wouldn't bother pissing if it's not going to be clean. better to stand your ground than give them evidence you're a liar.
Haha I like that attitude. But yeah, I don't have any close friends with clean piss. Anyone who'd have clean piss probably wouldn't help me out
You can use a dilution method if you can manage to abstain for 48 hours prior to doing a proper dilution method or using a premix.
Don't bother your friends for piss.
That's just nasty...


Well-Known Member
I'll say again, I'm not asking HOW to pass a piss test, I'm just creating a thread for discussion. My tests *might* not even happen, but if I go on probation they will sometime in the future. But my court date isn't until July 11 so I don't have to worry about it until then.