Lesson number 1:
Nutrient uptake and decomposition rates:
pH stems around Nutrient uptake and decomposition rates. Plants in soil and rockwool cubes have a harder time taking in nutrients and decomposition rates are lowered, so we want the acid level higher. And plants grown hydro style have it much easier, so we want less acid because plants take in the nutrients much easier and decomposition rates are higher. But we never ever want pH to be on the alkaline side of the pH scale or on the lower side on the acid part of the pH scale, because this will surley kill our plants. 5.5 -7.0 has been found over the years to be the ideal ranges for cannabis (soil & hydro).
Many plant diseases are caused or exacerbated by extremes of pH, sometimes because this makes essential nutrients unavailable to plants or because the soil itself is unhealthy.
PH is not constant in soil or water, but varies on a daily basis due to factors such as rainfall, biological growth within the soil, and temperature changes for example. Therefore the pH should be measured regularly and at various points within the soil or water in question.