• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

How to prepare for a big ol mushroom dose?


Well-Known Member
Okay so here is what happened. I was going to wait to do this, but on new years eve I ended up getting off very early and decided to take some mushrooms. I called my buddy who I had plans with, and he said to come over. We both ate 2 grams. Then after about 2 hours, it wasn't doing much, and I remembered I wanted to do a big dose, so I asked him if it was okay if I could just shroom out and eat the remaining 10 grams. He didn't care, just warned me not to freak out on him. Surprisingly I didn't. We were watching this anime called 'high school of the dead' and its about these high school Japanese people who fight during a zombie apocalypse.. Its intense xD I'm gonna watch it again. It was all tits, gore, and guns. Anyways these started kicking in very.. Very hard.

Everything you guys were saying was right.. Eating 14 grams at a slipknot concert and collapsing.. Makes sense, thats pretty much what I did. And if I would have had to pee in the middle of this, I would have peed on his couch on accident. After awhile I couldn't really see due to the weird patterns. But the patterns got more and more bizarre as time went on. First it just looked like swirls of paint, then it started to make shapes, weird shapes.. Then it started making really strange looking centipedes and dragon things.. Then, my nerve endings started throwing a fit. Is this normal? Because at this point I got kind of hostile to my friend and told him to keep it down. He did it, but I felt bad for bossing him around. Anyways, I couldn't feel the water in my mouth anymore. Basically all of my nerves progressively shut down. This scared the shit out of me. Then I threw up all in the grocery bag, and thats when my nerves , starting at my throat, decided to go on complete lockdown. I kept thinking 'Somethings wrong with these mushrooms!!' and I kept fighting it. That was a no no. You guys were right about that too. But after a bit, I said fuck it. First off, I'm not going to die, second, if I do, oh well. After a bit it didn't even matter if my eyes were open or closed, I was still seeing the same thing. Then, I got more and more immersed in this shape void. It was like I could see 360 degrees, and I was in an ocean of these geometric patterns. Then out of nowhere, it just faded to white. There was this black tree, and a black hill. Around it was just white space, but in this white space were these patterns I was seeing before. They look kind of like electrical coils. But they are rainbowed and they spin and twist. I climbed up the hill and sat down next to this attractive Japanese lady. I think this was the anime. Because I kept hearing this angelic music.. While I was staring at her.. It was just.. Beautiful.. No words were exchanged for what seemed like an eternity. I was just thinking, and she knew what I was thinking. I just remember thinking things like 'God, how is my brain doing this right now? Where am I even at? When I get out of here I am telling each and every person I know that I love them. Then, it started fading to black again. I was back in this ocean of patterns and I could feel only certain parts of my body again. I could move my fingers, and open my eyes. So I opened my eyes. I still couldn't see. Then my friend goes 'DUDE! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU? YOU WERE UNCONSCIOUS FOR TWO HOURS!' I just barely said 'Whoa! What time is it?' it was 1:30am. I missed all of the new years shit :(

Then, I could kind of make out what I was seeing and his daughter gets home with some friends. She is only 10, and let me tell you, she is the weirdest little girl that I have ever met. My friend told her and her friends to quiet down because I wasn't 'feeling too good'. So she came over and tried to cheer me up, 'awe whats wrong? Come on its new years!. 'I knowww.. I think I caught the flu or something' *turns on the light* 'WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!', ' I told you, I think I caught the flu', 'Oh, well.. Oh well.. Heres some tape!' So she gives me tape and runs away. I thought it was so funny.. I laughed for like 30 minutes. Cry laughing..

At the point before I went out, I felt like there was this layer of water over my skin, and if I breathed wrong, my nerves would shut down in my face or throat, so to fight it, I breathed at a certain angle I guess.. Then after a bit, there was no control. I had to just let go, and it was pretty worth it.

All in all, it was a worthwhile experience. Thanks for the tips and everything guys!! And happy new year :D

You were blessed and you didn't know it. When ever you meet a being while you take high amounts of mescaline or psylocybin you are being communicated with. Most people cannot find that sort of quiet center but are overwhelmed with the noise - the confusion, the colors or patterns and there is rarely that "space between the worlds" that enables them to sit with an entity. Beyond that, many entities are horrible sorts of creatures or questioning beings that force you to answer questions you don't want to answer. Yours was content to sit with you and even let you admire her. Be careful but if you find her (and she will never take that form again), ask her questions of import to you.

now - the truth is that it was all in your head, that there really is no such "other" that is outside of conciousness but you are tapping into a communal understanding that deep within us we all have. You were rewarded, do not take that lightly.


Active Member
Sounds like you stepped out there and tested the water..... Relish where you went because each time you journey you never know what the result will be. Alot of things are going on at 1 time but perception is the reality for me. The time I went physco I have got not clue what it would take to go there I would say 20 or 25 grams. Albino Penis Envy is a freight train, not that it is a bad deal. It just rolls on the rails. The worst thing you can ever do is fight. If you got to puke let it rip. You know your body best and keep things handy just in case you need it. If I step out there I have a prep list for that time, and if I get overwhelemd I just lie down in a dark room and passout. Yeah I know sometimes you cant but its calming and proboly why I do it.


Well-Known Member
Then there is the shamman's secret. Each person who ventures into those most far off places should learn a chant, a mantra, a song. It is always best to have your own song, borrowing another's is unwise but it is still better than having no song at all. If you can't come up with some nonsensical rythmic chant then find something popular that you can carry in your head. The song must not have any real import. It can't be a love song or anything that has a single indisputable meaning to you. The more melodic or repeticious the better but learn it and learn it well, practice it long before you need it and practice it on lower doses of your favorite chemical.

If you feel silly singing out loud get over it. When the going gets rough, you are far better finding your chant and using it than hooking down a valium or worse, white knuckling your way through half an ounce of mushroom induced inebriation. Really, anyone who does as I reccomend and finds the real need for his song will come back to me with bottom of the heart thanks for the advice.


Active Member
I've actually never heard of the chant thing. That's an interesting notion, though, and it makes sense. Something familiar as a sense of grounding... I'm most likely gonna yank that advice for myself at some point, not that I'm one for bad experiences. Everyone has them, better to be prepared than to be blindsided.


Well-Known Member
A chant would have been helpful.. It all happened so fast, and I had NO idea what to expect. I'll remember that for next time I decide to take a huge dose. Buttt.. Its going to have to be awhile because I don't think I could endure that kind of experience again for at least a few months. That fucked me up for 3 whole days. I woke up in the morning for work(which is why I shouldve been smarter to not do it on new years), and I was still seeing patterns.. Drove to work, acted like a loon the ENTIRE time. It was embarrassing. Then I was off for two days so, I had time to recover.

About the nerve thing though. I feel like that is actually normal for anyone, because it happens in deep periods of meditation. But it scared me. I remember it happening on 25i also. But on the 25i, it scared me worse because I was thinking -hey this really could kill me.. On the mushrooms it didn't scare me quite as bad because I knew in the back of my head that I wasn't going to die. Still though, does this happen to you guys? Its almost like waves come whipping through your nervous system and fizzle all of your nerves one by one into numbness.. It scares me, if that didn't happen, I would've been much less scared. But I think its supposed to. Is it? If it is someone explain to me how it happens to them..


Active Member
Disconnection..... That is what you were starting to get a taste of. It will do differant things to people as far as effects. That is why the caution is involved about stepping out there. Dont ask me why but 1 nite I ended up odd man out while fried and had to ride in the trunk of the car. Now I prefer a comfy trunk to road trip on while out there.The reason is the disconnection that I can experiance, and it has to big a big trunk I am 6'3" and i do not fold up. The deal is you have to be in a comfortable place,space,time,and then when you know the nite is calm you down 10 to 15 grams and surrender completely. You will not die but you will journey and that disconnection to the journey scares most people. There is a reason about shamans and there knowledge and perception. It is not for the begginer to try because they have no idea how it is going to effect people. By effect I mean the sociology behind the mushies.

If you sit in a pitch black room, windows covered with heavy drapes when the moon is on the darkside of its path so its as pitch black as it can get and eat say 5 grams of mushies and ride the nite out with no input at all zero . You dont want to eat a hard dose because you will become overly stimulated. The dark ride and no you dont have to do it alone, because it will relax you and allow your mind to take over. You just want to have everything you need close by without having to use any type of light. Power EVERYTHING down so there are no lights of any kind turned on. You want dark the entire time. That will make a comfy setting to disconnect without the rush of the hard dose. Disconnection....


Well-Known Member
What happens to you(personally) during this.. Disconnection?

It really did scare me, at that point when I was telling my friend to shut the fuck up please.. I also wanted him to turn the tv off, and the lights HAD to be off.
After it was over, this video kept playing in my head. I couldn't really see, so I was using my imagination. There was this tribal woman, covered in mud and cloths made of leaves. And she was handing this gigantic lump of mushrooms to this younger girl and signalling to eat them. There was no language yet, and she saw it as necessary.. Thats all that happened in it, but it was so drawn out, and more complex.

God that was weird.. Next time I'll take 5 grams. My buddy from work is fronting me 4oz to get rid of. So Ill just.. Manage.. :)


Well-Known Member
you'll have a great time on 5 grams after that last trip. You won't have any worries or anything, but you will still trip pretty good. That's one of the reasons why it's nice to have those big trips under your belt. Most people never really go farther than 3.5 grams, and couldn't comprehend 5grams.... 5-6 grams is personally my favorite dosage most of the time. Goldilocks zone. still causes stomach problems though so grind them up really good or do that lemon tek. I've never done that but it does sound tempting. It never really comes to mind until reading it again.


Active Member
When I want to disconnect its a flood dose. I have bad gastritus and I grind my mushies to POWDER in a very very nice coffee grinder and thats its only use. I make rice crispy treats and when I am about to dump it out of the bowl I will load it with powder. You have to mix it very well to not get a hot spot of powder and let it set up. I normally start with 5 and if the night is going good I will flood. I always have 2 or 3 peeps around when I wander around. All of us have been around the block enough to beable to go there. Its not out of fear of going on the bad road, it is we know each other well enough to help when its needed. Loss of motor skills is a bitch. Having someone give you a drink or put a smoke in your mouth is a godsend. You know you got a good buddy when you can piss down his leg and they do not get pissed because that road has been gone down before. Knowing first hand is the only way your going to know but if you have went out there try to help yourself and others along as needed. You see the sweat rolling on a persons face get a bowl fill it with ice and half full of water and dip a wash cloth out of it.

When I go out there I always end up in a dark room with a 1/2 gallon of ice water. The visuals are much more intense to me. When I start to feel myself shut down and my nerves go on autopilot I just lay back relax and drift off. The drift will take me to where I am headed so it can be revealed. I have enough space at my house plus acreage that everyone tends to find thier own spot for a few hours. If someone is going to run for the money we all keep a tab on them because you are going to shut your physical body down completely and allow yourself to envelope the mind.When I disconnect it is a strange ordeal for me. My body shuts down I can breathe fine but trust me I am not going to run a marathon.Motor skills are gone and trying to communicate is not done with ease. You are completley under the effects and because of that the mind is about the only function you have. I just relax allow the reaction to run its course. My mind is hyper over stimulated and I allow the visions to come and go. I try not to give all of my attention to anything at that point in time.The more relaxed you are, your setting as far as comfort,where you are at stability wise will all effect you. Basiclly in a nutshell when I flood dose I just become a wet sweaty lump that is dazed out laying down on the floor or the sofa.I just let my mind go to where it wants to go. ANy feeling I get from my body I just roll with it, never fight it. Sometimes it gts intense but at the same time that is what I am asking for.


Active Member
10 grams dry? That's a pretty good dose depending on the strain.... I would begin by relaxing myself drinking some tea and tunning myself with the surroundings... Little bit of "meditation" to feel at peace and shit... I wouldn't eat them raw...I would suggest boiling them, making some tea ( i like menth r or thai )with honey... And take it slowly... No rush to finish cuz it's gonna hit you anyways.. I mean maybe like apt he whole thing in 15 to 20 mins... Hmmm have a blunt close by to mellow you of own in case you feel like you are losing emotional control... Enjoy the trip and colours :)


Active Member
I wrote that a touch ripped proboly didnt make sense. I always start the nite with 5 regardless of what the plan is for the nite. If I am chillin out of public and during the ride towards the peak on the 5 I would decide if I wanted to double down and go for a journey. I will eat 10 on top to start with. I have my personal collection of jars and there is always some PE or APE to insure that proper digestion has been acomplished LOL. I would not say to go past 10 on PE or APE because of the intensity. It takes time to eat that much shroom and handle it. Sometimes I want to go on planet overdrive sometimes I just want to be social and make people laugh until they beg me to stop because I am killing them. It all depends on how I am digging into the night or if others want to go out there. take your time and explore with it, if you want to push it then do it slowly so you are not overwhelemed.



Well-Known Member
The ones I ate looked exactly like the mushroom that is in the middle left, except completely dry. They were so long that my friend from work had to break a few in half to fit in the bag xD
Okay... It wont let me upload an image so heres a link http://www.magic-mushrooms.net/three-kinds-magic-mushrooms.jpg

You guys are crazy though, jesus.. Lol another thing that was weird was I could feel the tryptamine structure I thought.. Like how it is different from LSD and phenthylamines. Its more... Well less sparkly, more... I cant really explain it, it was like being in an ocean. Of crazyness.
Lemon tek will be done to half of it, like Strife was saying. My friend who fronts me them also was telling me to do lemon tek as we both have an embarrassing case of irritable bowel syndrome.

So 5 grams next time. That seems perfect. 3 is never enough for me.. Other people says it blows their mind, but I don't think that they... Have 'been around the block' enough. But I remember when I awoke, it was BEAUTIFUL. I went outside and the visuals were sooo.. Full. Im sure you guys know what I'm talking about. You can especially tell the 'fullness' by what the trees look like. they look thicker, more curved..

Thanks for all the advice guys, you were all a lot of help (:



Active Member
AHHHHHH yes IBS yes I know exactly what you mean...Crazyness? Well that depends on the definition being used LOL.

Alot of people do not respect the drug and push it without knowing.Then they fight it and it turns into a bad trip. Another way at it is that you with a small group and someone says they are going to eat a shit ton. Nobody knows what is going to happen since nobody has never went there or has seen someone there before. They freik the hell out over seeing what happens to that person. man when you really go after shrooms they will make you pale as hell, sweat like a bitch, make your skin clamy, you are hot, you do not look well at all, your in and out of reality,you maybe twichin all over,cant talk coherently, you are nothing but matter. If you think you are going to move easy well think again. Thats why I mentioned to record it and watch it when your done, it will surprise you.

Mushies are a completly differant elament. I have not done RC's so I have zero experiance, LSD well I did what I could find from 88 to 99 then it went poof. With lsd you know its chemical by how it feels. Lsd always makes my jaw joints super rigid as if they are locked down. Mushies are more of an onslaught when you really start to experiance them. Its not a speed high but a perception melt down. Lsd I never seen anything out of place. I could trace and that was the most experiance I had.Mushies just melt me to a blob then I see colors in ways I have never seen or can describe. If you do enough it seems that after you disconnect the brain becomes primal and then the journey begins.Alot of people cannot allow themselves to be stimulated to the extreame levels that a shaman will go to. When you go to that level a comforting guide will take you and elavate you at the same time.

You went there and enjoyed yourself. yeah its taxing on the body for a couple days, but did you benifit from it? I always wondered what it would be like in a giant room that was total comfort with 50 people debating on the knowledge of the dose while everyone is at meltdown. that would be a very interesting night to say the least. Be easy with them until you get some comfort for yourself and those around you. Relaxation is your ally and by all means be comfortable. Every time you drink from the cup wether its a shot or the entire glass try to learn something from it, thats the most important key to really being able to enjoy,handle,and use the mushie for me. Alomst 20 years on the block for me and I only have seen 1 nite of a bad nite and the block is all dirt now for me since I have walked it so much. Perception will change with the use of mushies wether your melting down or its been a year since you walked, its a game changer every time.