Well-Known Member
Okay so here is what happened. I was going to wait to do this, but on new years eve I ended up getting off very early and decided to take some mushrooms. I called my buddy who I had plans with, and he said to come over. We both ate 2 grams. Then after about 2 hours, it wasn't doing much, and I remembered I wanted to do a big dose, so I asked him if it was okay if I could just shroom out and eat the remaining 10 grams. He didn't care, just warned me not to freak out on him. Surprisingly I didn't. We were watching this anime called 'high school of the dead' and its about these high school Japanese people who fight during a zombie apocalypse.. Its intense xD I'm gonna watch it again. It was all tits, gore, and guns. Anyways these started kicking in very.. Very hard.
Everything you guys were saying was right.. Eating 14 grams at a slipknot concert and collapsing.. Makes sense, thats pretty much what I did. And if I would have had to pee in the middle of this, I would have peed on his couch on accident. After awhile I couldn't really see due to the weird patterns. But the patterns got more and more bizarre as time went on. First it just looked like swirls of paint, then it started to make shapes, weird shapes.. Then it started making really strange looking centipedes and dragon things.. Then, my nerve endings started throwing a fit. Is this normal? Because at this point I got kind of hostile to my friend and told him to keep it down. He did it, but I felt bad for bossing him around. Anyways, I couldn't feel the water in my mouth anymore. Basically all of my nerves progressively shut down. This scared the shit out of me. Then I threw up all in the grocery bag, and thats when my nerves , starting at my throat, decided to go on complete lockdown. I kept thinking 'Somethings wrong with these mushrooms!!' and I kept fighting it. That was a no no. You guys were right about that too. But after a bit, I said fuck it. First off, I'm not going to die, second, if I do, oh well. After a bit it didn't even matter if my eyes were open or closed, I was still seeing the same thing. Then, I got more and more immersed in this shape void. It was like I could see 360 degrees, and I was in an ocean of these geometric patterns. Then out of nowhere, it just faded to white. There was this black tree, and a black hill. Around it was just white space, but in this white space were these patterns I was seeing before. They look kind of like electrical coils. But they are rainbowed and they spin and twist. I climbed up the hill and sat down next to this attractive Japanese lady. I think this was the anime. Because I kept hearing this angelic music.. While I was staring at her.. It was just.. Beautiful.. No words were exchanged for what seemed like an eternity. I was just thinking, and she knew what I was thinking. I just remember thinking things like 'God, how is my brain doing this right now? Where am I even at? When I get out of here I am telling each and every person I know that I love them. Then, it started fading to black again. I was back in this ocean of patterns and I could feel only certain parts of my body again. I could move my fingers, and open my eyes. So I opened my eyes. I still couldn't see. Then my friend goes 'DUDE! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU? YOU WERE UNCONSCIOUS FOR TWO HOURS!' I just barely said 'Whoa! What time is it?' it was 1:30am. I missed all of the new years shit
Then, I could kind of make out what I was seeing and his daughter gets home with some friends. She is only 10, and let me tell you, she is the weirdest little girl that I have ever met. My friend told her and her friends to quiet down because I wasn't 'feeling too good'. So she came over and tried to cheer me up, 'awe whats wrong? Come on its new years!. 'I knowww.. I think I caught the flu or something' *turns on the light* 'WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!', ' I told you, I think I caught the flu', 'Oh, well.. Oh well.. Heres some tape!' So she gives me tape and runs away. I thought it was so funny.. I laughed for like 30 minutes. Cry laughing..
At the point before I went out, I felt like there was this layer of water over my skin, and if I breathed wrong, my nerves would shut down in my face or throat, so to fight it, I breathed at a certain angle I guess.. Then after a bit, there was no control. I had to just let go, and it was pretty worth it.
All in all, it was a worthwhile experience. Thanks for the tips and everything guys!! And happy new year![]()
You were blessed and you didn't know it. When ever you meet a being while you take high amounts of mescaline or psylocybin you are being communicated with. Most people cannot find that sort of quiet center but are overwhelmed with the noise - the confusion, the colors or patterns and there is rarely that "space between the worlds" that enables them to sit with an entity. Beyond that, many entities are horrible sorts of creatures or questioning beings that force you to answer questions you don't want to answer. Yours was content to sit with you and even let you admire her. Be careful but if you find her (and she will never take that form again), ask her questions of import to you.
now - the truth is that it was all in your head, that there really is no such "other" that is outside of conciousness but you are tapping into a communal understanding that deep within us we all have. You were rewarded, do not take that lightly.