How to proceed if plant still hungry after giving nutes

See in your case you are figuring out how do deal with a plant with an oversize root mass in mid flowering stage.

Next grow might be comlletely diffrent you'll know that for the amount of vegetating week you've done on this grow with this perticular strain that you'll need to transpant a week before flowering or start flowering a little before.

(drill many holes on side of plastic pot will prevent root ball next time) its called air pruning. Read on it.. Healthier rootmass no transplant shock if transplanted in same potting mix and it will allow you to pull your whole plant out if the pot to check mosture without stress when root are well establish..

Anytime you have a question don't hesitate. If i don't know the answer it's my job to get informed and find the answer. T

hat's the key to knowledge always ask question and seek answers.
I try to ask questions only after doing some reading and being able to formulate question while giving as much info as posible.
Really thankful for all your answers.

My pots are supposed to be designed for root prunning but seems they dont do it so great.


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I think the lower yellowing is normal for flowering as the plant starts to transition and selectively consume lower shade leaves. I would get worried if it starts to show on the rest of the plants higher up which all look happy- I'd up your P and K and mag a little though..
Plants seem pretty happy with new watering technique.

Today i couldnt water until a few minutes ago, one hour before lights go out.
So i only gave a little water for them to use before going to sleep.

Will try to get some pics tomorrow.
@JHake also, make sure you completely water the entire pot slowly till all soil is fully saturated and get some runoff, every time you water. Just don't water too often, as that is "over watering." Wait for the girls to tell you they're thirsty each time before watering again, and feel the weight of the pot before and after each water to get a feel for it. The timing can be different for different strains and will also change throughout the grow as the transpiration and uptake rates change. You can let a plant get droopy and she'll perk right back in 15min after watering. It's amazing actually!
I think the lower yellowing is normal for flowering as the plant starts to transition and selectively consume lower shade leaves. I would get worried if it starts to show on the rest of the plants higher up which all look happy- I'd up your P and K and mag a little though..

I have the PK boost to add to the bloom nutes.
The mix of both would give me a NPK of 3-10-9.

I also have Epsom salts. Will add them next watering.