How to prune a trained plant? First attempt.

Well i read a bunch on leds and talked to many people about them and i found out that when it says its a 1200 watt dont even consider that part. You have to look at the actual draw wattage(235w)but i did talk to someone who has been using the same lights i have and he uses 2,1200w on a 4×8 table and he says its always done the job. But you know how everyone has different opinions. also leds have supposedly come a long way in the last few years But from what i read one of the biggest mistakes with the leds is the factory says "it will cover a 5.5ft×5.5ft area at 24in and thats where people mess up. It will only cover a 2×4 area at 18inches effectively. But ill find out soon enough. I just flipped the lights 12/12 on march 14th
Well they look like they're loving life and you seem to be taking good care of them,that's one thing i found over the years pot growing in the 80 and 90s was mainly a guy thing but a lot of growers would get lazy and get their wives/ girlfriends to do their daily chores and that's probably the smartest thing they did!women are more meticulous when it comes to gardening,they're cleaner and pay attention to details I think now that more women are getting involved they're going to be holding more awards then us lazy guys/lol you could be one of them keep up the good work
where the white straw is, that is the 3rd node. I put the lighter next to the next 2 tops, and they have one on each side. Then the same on the branch below. The tops on the next branch lower are just now getting as tall as the next branch. Do those go?
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I would personally take everything below the line vegitation wise and get rid of it if you have a couple more weeks of veg, for me the idea of manicuring them main branches into big beautiful colas is now you have a plant tied down doing what you want it to do, now take all the other growth underneath your training and trim it off so that plant only grows from the tops you had in mind the red lines i drew are reference lines and not definitive lines where you must trim just be sure not to take anything above that red line ;)
In anycase you could use either picture as a reference, the solid line is more of a general ideabwhere to start and the dotted red line across the individual tops is where i would trim from down to the stalk
Thanks that is what i needed to know. 3 nodes and then everything after that. Ok but there are some taller shoots (2 or 3 inch) below the third node, they are a lot thinner and smaller than the mains. Do those stay? Then there are the ones that are not grown away from the branch yet. Those get cut right?
Yup thats basically what i was getting at, anything under the mains you picked will grow into their own branch if you let them, so to avoid this you take em off, look up lollipop training its basically what i am saying and that may give you a better idea and enough guidance to give you the confidence to cut and know you are not hurting the plant, seems to be the biggest worry here is training it wrong or hurting the plant are what om guessing you want to avoid
Yup thats basically what i was getting at, anything under the mains you picked will grow into their own branch if you let them, so to avoid this you take em off, look up lollipop training its basically what i am saying and that may give you a better idea and enough guidance to give you the confidence to cut and know you are not hurting the plant, seems to be the biggest worry here is training it wrong or hurting the plant are what om guessing you want to avoid
Well i appreciate ya giving me a better insight to this. I looked into the lollipopping, and what im seeing its like your sayin, you dont want any of those secondary branches, even if they are quite big. I can use them for clones. So when it comes down to it, it will have only the main 8 branches. But like you said i am worrying about cutting too many of them, im sure that will go away once i see this one turn out. Again, thanks for the info.