How to rehydrate


Well-Known Member
My friend gave me about a QP of his grow of Blueberry Pancakes

The stuff looks awesome- frosty - blue/purple color

But his dry/cure has this bud waaaaaaay too's been cured already....its completely smokable but tastes almost flavorless....potency isn't what it should be

I think it's beyond a Bodeva pack; is there another way to restore this bud to even a fraction of where it should be?

Or did he completely fuck this up? Lol
I've brought back over dried weed before. What I did was put it in a terp lock grove bag and put the bag in my downstairs bathroom where I take a shower and wash laundry every day but when I'm gone I leave the door open and keep the basement cool and dry. Usually in the high 60s for temp and depending on time of year like 0 to 50 percent humidity. I think the swings of humidity above and below what the bags are set at, 58 to 62 percent is what did the trick. After 2 weeks lots of taste came back, after 3 weeks they were really good and never got any better. This weed was extremely potent though, even when crumbly dust dry, just tasted way better and ground up for joints a lot better after being rehydrated.
Or did he completely fuck this up? Lol

Sounds like he did. I cut a strip of moist paper towel then fold it into a pad to tape on the inside of the lids on jars I keep my smokeable in. Just wet them with some RO water to get the buds softened up overnight. Won't improve potency but might bring back some smell.

A long, slow dry is the best way to cure pot. Any bud that has gone bone dry can be re-moistened but it's not going to actually cure any more. The cure happens during the drying process so keeping the buds uniformly moist will let the chlorophyll break down so the bud is no longer green and also break the starches down to sugars for a noticeably smoother and tastier smoke. I like to get 3 to 5 weeks of drying before they go into cans for another month of burping until dry enough to smoke.

Fan leaf could help add some moisture to jar. Even a boveda pack ( even tho it may not be a miracle ) it is still a push / pull moisture pack.

I probably wouldn’t add any thing that is overly wet into jar ( wet paper towel / old gym sock / etc. ) as this could still create a mold environment. The Boveda pack may help add some moisture to it.

But if it was over dried you cant unring that bell.
Lmao well it was given to me about a qp of shriveled dry ass weed smelling mostly like a friend gave it to me I've done my best with Bodiva packs to bring it back - and it did bring it back some - it is smokeable now but I haven't tried it....and the hay smell is gone too....I don't really wanna smoke it lol.....I have a half lb of various strains that are good lol....and I know this is gonna be terrible lol

I may give it back to my friend because I can't knowingly sell it to anyone....idk if I could even give it away lol....would it still make ok edibles??
You could always dry vape it.

Volcano / G pen / etc.
Lmao well it was given to me about a qp of shriveled dry ass weed smelling mostly like a friend gave it to me I've done my best with Bodiva packs to bring it back - and it did bring it back some - it is smokeable now but I haven't tried it....and the hay smell is gone too....I don't really wanna smoke it lol.....I have a half lb of various strains that are good lol....and I know this is gonna be terrible lol

I may give it back to my friend because I can't knowingly sell it to anyone....idk if I could even give it away lol....would it still make ok edibles??
Google tasty puff that will fix her right up