How to reveg harvested plant?


Active Member
im on my fist grow with a plant in flowering for 11 days ,it seems the temperature here at the moment does not support cloning to well, so i would like to clone after harvest ,but if i harvest the plant ,snip all the buds of it etc . and put it back into veg should it be ok? i assume clipping all the buds off and leaving the leaf is the correct way to go about this? thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
I'd harvest per normal, leaving as many leaves on the lower third of the plant as possible....snip off everything above the lower third. Leave a couple partial lower buds also, as that really increased my re-veg rate.

Then, what I've done is remove the plant from the container, trim off the lower third of her rootball, and replant in fresh soil...water lightly with a root enhancing fert, and stick her in 18/6 or 24/0 lighting. In 10-14 days you should see new, deformed looking shoots starting. 10-14 days after that, you can start cloning once the veg growth has started taking off.

If you need pics, just shout.

Peace - OGH


Sector 5 Moderator
I'm about a week from chopping 5 blueberry plants. I would dearly love to have some clones from these girls. I planted all the rest of my seeds, almost all sprouted, 2 came thru the rock wool then stopped. I'm screwed if I can't get clones from my existing plants.


Well-Known Member
Just re-veg and save those blueberries :-)

I'm on day 30 since I began re-vegging my Northern Light mom, and I took my first 11 cuttings from her 18 days after starting the re-veg. Those rooted and are re-planted ready to flower starting in Feb.

I also have another 18 cuttings rooting from her and she could handle even more cutting.

So, in a months time from re-vegging, I've got 29 cuttings already. Definitely worth doing!

Peace- OGH

ps - are we allowed to link to another site here on Rollitup? I don't want to break any rules, but I've got a tutorial/pictorial up at another board.


Sector 5 Moderator
Thanks man! Can you PM me with the link? I don't know if it's cool to post an outside link here or not.


Well-Known Member
Hey oldgrayhair i was wondering if you could also PM me that site you are talking about i would like to see it, i am also doing a re-veg at the moment and hoping it will turnout good...thanks