How to revive?


Active Member
My plants are about 3 to 4 ft. tall. The leaves are looking good. ( compared to examples shown here). Yet they are scrawny. The stalk is think and the branches are flimpsy.I have them in fertilized potting mix and have not used any ot nutrients. Anyone farmiliar with these symptoms? Can I do something to pull these babie out of their slumber and into wild robust plants? We do grow an effection for our grop would like to see the happier and healthier.:sad:kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
Do you have fans (note the plural) working over them? No nutes means no K or P so weak stem growth but start at 1/4 strength. How old and are they flowering? What lights and how close? At even 3 feet you are doing something right.

I suggest Advance Nutrients Sensi Grow or Sensi Bloom. Expensive but excellent. Post pics anytime you want anything other than general info. A picture is worth a thousand words.


Well-Known Member
Any pics? sounds like a stemmy lanky stressed plant due to over warm room and/or weak inadequate lighting.


Active Member
I think fans and some nutrients are called for. The lighting isn't very good. Got them on order. What is good brand ,not expensive, to feed them. Is there any good nutrients that aren't to pricey? Thanks for the help