How to roll a joint like MrHowardMarks


Well-Known Member
i am pretty novice at rolling papers.

though i have been getting better.

this should help me in the future.

Would someone tell me where to find filters?
I get mine at the local smoke shop, but you can order them online at

It takes a lot of practice to roll a perfectly straight joint, especially outta super thin papers.

Flordia Girl, just roll it up and pinch the ends? Not quite...

It's best to start in the center and work your way to the outside, it will be even that way. If you work your way from the ends, you'll get a pregnant joint.

As far as cones, I used to like them, but they clog towards the end, and anything large tastes like crap after a few hits, so might as well keep it short and simple.

They are 1 inch papers, with a filter, they are the same width as an average cigarette, but a little shorter.

If you're thinking that's too small, you can always just smoke two :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Don't settle for medium papers... you will not have a problem with thins, provided your weed is clean enough. Your lungs will thank you.

I have just one suggestion for you.. that plate you use complicates your life...

Get a small thin walled container, I like to use one of those little transparent drawers you get is stacks for keeping parts etc. in. it makes the pouring very easy, the innitial load goes on by hand, and the rest can then be easily tipped out into your spliff..

Another suggestion...

Instead of that ecodisaster filter, just nib the front 1/4" off a cigarette and use that as a filter, the flat front tip is the side you smoke on... This allows you to smoke the weed to the very end... i.e. the hot last bit of dreg left will be a nicotine bit... no weed wasted...

Start by placing the filter on the corner that is not glued, hold the paper to the filter with your thumb and roll the other half to the filter with your index finger. It will be at the fold of the paper... so now you have the bottom half of a pipe to drop stuff in/onto. At this point your other hand is totaly free to throw in the stuff... I just pour mine straight from the little drawer. Start at the filter side...and pour towards the tip... hold over drawer to catch debris, and just give the stuff a little stroke with a finger to even uoiut from front to back a little...
Once filled it is easy to roll the joint, so that the top paper draws tightly against the roll... just use your uther hand to guide the lip in when you start rolling...

When its almost rolled all the way around, lick and stick... twist loose paper from the tip to the back... then you can adjust just how stuffed you want it to feel by just twisting...

I can roll one in the time it takes to respawn on Battlefield 2.

When things go tough... you can collect these tips, roll em up and smoke em later when you run out of stash... they collect a tonne of resin... alternatively they can be rubbed between your fingers and scattered in the wind if the need for stealth arrises.



Well-Known Member
rofl no hating howard... but i rolld up a fucking 10000x better one than you, but got less replys... :D hahah oh well

hahaha.. peace yo ;)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's not "flash" that's the whole point really.

Twice cops found em, and thought they were the legal kind of cigarettes.

As for the tray, it collects resin, and can be scraped for hash, it's black glass.

I don't pour the weed into the paper, I use the cover on the papers to scrape it up and dump it into the paper.

The papers are the smallest and thinest I know of, 1 inch rice paper... And I believe the filters are made of rice as well, they're disolvable... To they aren't an "eco-disaster"

Likewise, it takes about 20-30 seconds, start to finish.

Want the ultimate in incognito, and you could buy the papers that have the tan on one end, then it would really look like a cigarette.


Well-Known Member
rofl no hating howard... but i rolld up a fucking 10000x better one than you, but got less replys... :D hahah oh well

hahaha.. peace yo ;)
i'm with you on this one...

american joints look like fukin cigs...
no disrespect but in my opinion rolling a joint with a filter is a complete waste of weed.

rip a little piece of a business-card or train ticket and roll it to a spiral or a "W" or a "S", its the same as smoking without a filter, but you have something to put in yo mouth...

and you don't wanna be smokin joints with no mouthpiece with newbs, one time around and the papers soakin...


Well-Known Member
i'm with you on this one...

american joints look like fukin cigs...
no disrespect but in my opinion rolling a joint with a filter is a complete waste of weed.

rip a little piece of a business-card or train ticket and roll it to a spiral or a "W" or a "S", its the same as smoking without a filter, but you have something to put in yo mouth...

and you don't wanna be smokin joints with no mouthpiece with newbs, one time around and the papers soakin...

yup.................. :mrgreen::joint:


Well-Known Member
american joints look like fukin cigs...
no disrespect but in my opinion rolling a joint with a filter is a complete waste of weed.

That's the idea, I want it to look like a cig as much as possible.

I've smoked them outside busy bars, and everyone's looking around asking "you smell that" but they see you smoking a cigarette, and don't ask to hit it... I've tried to pass one, and gotten a funny look, like "dude, why are you handing me a cigarette?"

As far as a waste of weed, I really don't see it, it takes up 1/4 of the paper, so actually it's saves a 1/4 of the joint...

Not trying to argue that a fat cone, or a nice blunt isn't good to smoke, but you'll definately get less attention if you roll one like I do.


Well-Known Member
BTW, didn't know where to post this, toke n talk or general growing...

I see toke n talk was where a mod wanted it... :bigjoint:

My bad :?


Well-Known Member
I don't know about that... Depends where you are, but a blunt definately smells like a blunt, and a joint, like a joint... So putting a normal cigarette in the mix gets the least of attention.

Couple friends that live in the city smoke blunts on the sidewalk, but they cut it with tobacco, I can't stand that... :spew:


Well-Known Member
As far as a waste of weed, I really don't see it, it takes up 1/4 of the paper, so actually it's saves a 1/4 of the joint...
lol thats not what i mean...

i use a filter to, but not a cig filter, i roll one myself outta a piece of buissnes card...

cig filter filter out thc and a lotta other stuff you would want, thats what i mean.. the same size joint of the same weed without a cig filter is way stonier...


Well-Known Member
No way man, it's all in your head. The little tar that is filtered out doesn't contain the THC, there's no way it can filter out a particle that small. Just some tar, that would otherwise be on your lips, teeth, fingers... Etc.


Well-Known Member
With the cig filter, you don't get as hard of a pull though, rolled cardboard has a lot better air movement for taking huge hits.


Active Member

LOL... I learned how to roll joints 29 years ago when I was 13 years old.

Roll it up and twist the ends shut. It's not rocket science.

Honestly I don't know why anyone would put a filter in the thing...that's an invitation for the people you are smoking with to put their slobbery wet lips all over it. YUCK!!!

Filters belong in cigarettes .... not joints.
I AGREE! :eyesmoke: